BUILD Online Research Training Modules

BUILD will provide funds to faculty (or a team of faculty) members to develop online research training activities for students. The modules should provide a complete training activity for students covering both information and practice on a selected topic.

Examples include, but are not limited to, online modules on research enhancement skills such as coding and advanced statistical techniques with practice data/application and development of data/samples and approach for simulated data analysis and validation of the results. Alternatively, consider videotaped demonstrations of an essential laboratory benchwork technique, such as Western Blotting, that could be posted for students.

Award Features and Requirements

  • The support will be provided as $500-$1000 additional summer salary (taxable) per proposal. The award amount will be determined based on the scope of work. 
  • Supplies materials are not supported. 
  • The finished product is expected to be made freely available to the ºÚÁÏÍø BUILD program and the campus community.

Submission Method

  • Interested faculty can submit a 1-page proposal to
  • The proposal should include:
    • Learning/training objective(s) and outcome(s)
    • Details of the training activities and deliverables
    • The estimated length of the module
    • Timeline, and anticipated hours of work
    • It should also include the target audience (e.g., Introductory Materials for XXX Majors, students in labs conducting XXX analyses, Upper Division Students in XXX Majors, etc.)
    • Click to download PDF icon A Confidential Personal Data Form (PDF)

Proposal Review

  • Proposals will be accepted/reviewed on a rolling basis and awarded based on the availability of funds.
  • We expect to fund 2-4 proposals per college.

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