Mentor Responsibilities

A goal of the BUILD program is to help transform ºÚÁÏÍø by institutionalizing activities and programs that provide research and mentoring experiences that support students’ completion of Ph.D. programs and entry into health-related research careers. Dedicated mentorship from a faculty mentor is a critical component to the BUILD trainees’ success. In general, the responsibilities of a ºÚÁÏÍø BUILD Mentor fall into three basic categories:

Mentoring Students and Their Development

  • Provide discipline specific skills training, ensuring effective on-site training, safety in conducting research, and the quality of data collection and management
  • Motivate and engage students to pursue doctoral degrees in research that improves the lives of individuals, families, and/or communities
  • Ensure trainees complete any needed safety training before they begin work
  • Enhance trainee’s professional skills and network

Fiscal Responsibilities

  • BUILD trainees receive financial support for their research work with a mentor under two mechanisms based on their training program: Monthly stipend for Scholars and hourly pay for Fellows. For Fellow trainees, mentors are required to sign their bi-monthly timecards.
  • Research supplies support is provided to offset some costs associated with the BUILD trainees’ research. Mentors are responsible for ordering and record keeping using a spreadsheet provided by BUILD Grant Manager/Analyst, Marie Reed. Funds unused by May 30th each year will not carry over to the next year. Additionally, if a trainee leaves a mentor’s research group, the mentor will forfeit any remaining funds.
  • To access research supply funds, mentors are required to complete the BUILD Mentor Training and be in compliance with campus Responsible Conduct of Research training.

NIH and Federal Requirements

  • Research Mentors must have Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training and Institutional Review Board (IRB) or Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees (IACUC) approval for research with humans or animals
  • All publications and presentations supported by BUILD must acknowledge the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under Award Numbers UL1GM118979, TL4GM118980, and RL5GM118978. More detailed instruction can be found on Acknowledging BUILD in Publication page.
  • Federal regulations require all publications resulting from NIH support be submitted to . PMCID numbers are required.

For more detailed information, download the PDF icon Mentor MOU (PDF)