Materials and Energy Research

- Department faculty are engaged in designing, synthesizing, and characterizing materials with high thermoelectric conversion efficiency, production of hydrogen from water by harnessing solar energy and identifying materials displaying exotic magnetic properties (Derakhshan), developing inorganic-organic hybrid solid state materials for energy and environmental applications, and using ionic liquids and deep eutectic solvents in materials synthesis and design (Bu).
- In addition, research is being carried out on detection and imaging of single molecules based on their electrical properties (Slowinski), studies on molecular wires and metal organic frameworks with specific coordination modes, which exhibit electronic communication and/or photoluminescent properties (Li), and gas phase spectroscopy (Brazier).

Dr. Xianhui Bu
Professor (2003)
Inorganic, Structural, Solid State, and Materials

Dr. Shahab Derakhshan
Professor (2009)
Inorganic synthesis and Structure

Dr. Lijuan Li
Professor (1998)
Department Chair
Inorganic, Bioinorganic, and Nanomaterials

Dr. Stephen Mezyk
Professor (2001)
Physical, Environmental, and Biophysical Chemistry

Dr. Kensaku Nakayama
Professor Emeritus (1987)
Synthetic Organic Chemistry

Dr. Young-Seok Shon
Professor (2006)
Macromolecular, Materials, and Nanoscience

Dr. Enrico Tapavicza
Professor (2013)
Computational Chemistry and Materials Science

Dr. Hadi Tavassol
Assistant Professor (2016)
Materials Chemistry and Catalysis

Dr. Fangyuan Tian
Associate Professor (2015)
Materials Chemistry and Instrumental Analysis