Dr. Mary Marshall

Mary Marshall, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor of Gerontology in the Family and Consumer Sciences program at Long Beach State University. Professor Marshall examines health communication and health behaviors in older adults, particularly in the context of illness such as diabetes or cancer. Her current interests include exploring how older adults that have recently moved into a residential living facility adjust to the transition, specifically regarding how their perceptions of health influence their social behaviors and wellbeing. Mary has a keen interest in connecting undergraduate gerontology students with volunteer opportunities in the community, having established programs at Purdue such as Tech Team, Opening Minds through Art, and service-learning programs encased within courses. Mary received a dual-title Ph.D. in Human Development and Family Studies & Gerontology from Purdue University in 2018.


  • Health communication
  • Social health and wellbeing
  • Social isolation
  • Student motivation and learning

  • Social health and wellbeing in transitions to long-term care
  • Stigma in conversations about smoking with physicians

Shields C. G., Griggs J. J., Fiscella K. A., Elias C. M., Christ S. L., Colbert J., Henry S. G., Hoh B. G., Hunte H.E. R., Marshall M. E., Mohile S. G., Plumb S., Tejani M. A., Venuti A., Epstein R. M. (2019). The Influence of Patient Race and Activation on Pain Management in Advanced Lung Cancer:  A Randomized Field Experiment. Journal of General Internal Medicine.

Franks, M. M., Richards, E. A., McDonough, M. H., Christ, S. L., Marshall, M. (2018). Walking for our health: A couple-focused physical activity intervention. International Journal on Health Promotion and Education.

Elias, C. M., Shields, C. G., Griggs, J. J., Fiscella, K., Christ, S. L., Colbert, J., Henry, S. G., Hoh, B. G., Hunt, H. E. R., Marshall, M., Mohile, S. G., Plumb, S., Tejani, M. A., Venuti, A., Epstein, R. (2017). The Social and Behavioral Influences (SBI) Study: Study design and rationale for studying the effects of race and activation on cancer pain management. BMC Cancer. 17(1), 575.

Watkins, N., Fedesco, H., Marshall, M. (in press). Student perceptions and performance in online versus flipped diversity courses: Is there too much distance in distance learning? Journal of Excellence in College Teaching.

  • GERN 400: Perspectives on Gerontology 
  • GERN 430/530: Aging and Dementia 
  • GERN 482/582: Health Assessment in the Aging Client 
  • GERN 440/540: End of Life Issues