Volunteer at OLLI
OLLI is a volunteer-staffed organization. With only 3 paid employees, volunteers are our lifeblood. OLLI member volunteers are the creative source for all the courses, special events, social activities, publications, and classroom services. Volunteering creates a more vibrant learning community and connects you to other OLLI members. It’s a great way to make new friends and is personally satisfying and rewarding. Volunteer jobs vary in time commitment, skills needed and frequency. OLLI Committee Chairs and Board members are always on the lookout for volunteers. Don’t be bashful! We always need help!
How do I Volunteer?
Review the opportunities below….you may find a particular job that is attractive. You will find contact information for each opportunity
To understand our volunteer needs, it may help to know a little about how OLLI is organized.
We are a non-profit, tax-exempt organization with articles of incorporation and bylaws. The Governing Council (14 members) sets policies, approves budgets and oversees OLLI operations. It elects the Executive officers: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Members-at-Large. Additional volunteers are needed for the following Working Groups that have been established to oversee OLLI operations:
- Produce The SUN – a quarterly newsletter/course catalog and other publications as required
- Create marketing brochures, special event flyers
- Plan and oversee advertising efforts with local media
- Plan PR events that involve community outreach
Chairpersons: email the OLLI office for Communications or email Jan Stein for Marketing
- Establish the quarterly class schedules, including class leaders, locations, dates, times, and catalog descriptions.
- Recruit instructors and coaches for technology classes.
- Evaluate the effectiveness of classes and class leaders using feed-back from students and/or peer review.
- Offer, in cooperation with the Technology Working Group, instructor training in classroom presentation techniques and technology.
- Plan and implement special events or guest lectures
Chairpersons: email Donna Hawk
Member Services
- ​Assist in recruitment and retention of members.
- Assist in recruiting volunteers to fill needs as identified by the Governing Council and working groups.
- Distribute The SUN and other membership recruitment materials to the greater Long Beach community.
- Organize annual general membership meetings
- In conjunction with the PR/Marketing Working Group, coordinate participation in University and community events.
- Organize at least one volunteer recognition event per year.
- Organize events such as socials, dedications, holiday celebrations, excursions, and memorials.
Chairperson: email Karin Covey