The Pathokinesiology Research Laboratory studies the validity of current physical therapy practice by analyzing the mechanics and muscle activity of physical therapy.
Kay Cerny, PT, PhD, KEMG

- Effect of knee flexion on maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) of plantar flexors.
- Comparison of standing vs. sitting positions on MVIC for plantar flexors.
- Timing of mechanics and muscle activity during pre-swing gait in healthy adults.
- Effect of simulated ankle plantar flexion contracture on walking mechanics and muscle activity.
- Effect of an AFO downstop on walking mechanics and muscle activity.
- Mechanical Demand and Muscle Activity of Lunge Exercises in Young Adults.

- Mechanical Demand and Muscle Activity of Calf Exercises in Young Adults.

- 8 camera Vicon motion analysis system (passive marker system)
- 2 AMTI force plates embedded in the laboratory walkway
- Motion-Lab Systems MA 300 Electromyographic System
- BTS Electromyographic System
- C motion analysis software (uses C3D files)
- Cybex Isokinetic Dynamometer
- Overhead support system for safety in studies precluding falling