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Looking to get involved with the Department of Africana Studies Department? Consider joining the Africana Studies Student Association!
Mission Statement
The mission of the Department of Africana Studies is to provide students with an enriching and expansive educational experience derived from a critical and systematic study of the current and historical initiatives and experience of African Americans and other African peoples on the Continent and in the Diaspora. It is explicitly committed to linking scholarship, creativity teaching and learning to social engagement (service, policy initiatives, and activism), social change and racial and social justice. And it understands as central to its work and mission the advocacy and generation of cooperative and collaborative initiatives between campus and community, i.e., between the university and the African community and the larger society. African-centered in conception and practice, interdisciplinary in character and global in reach, Africana Studies seeks to build and expand students’ capacity to: think critically, creatively and ethically; develop written and oral communicative proficiency; acquire conceptual, theoretical and research skills; cultivate critical multicultural and diversity awareness and sensibilities; and prepare for careers, continuing study and engagement with multicultural societal and global relations, issues and realities in ethical, effective and contributive ways.