August 29, 2017 Minutes

Council of Department Chairs

Attendees: Bennett, Slowinski, Taylor, Benken, Wu, Karteron, Horton, Livingston, Brazier, Behl, Gao, Bill, Martin-Hansen and Olsen-Cooper.

Agenda: Approved

  1. Updates from chairs: Each Department Chair gave a brief update on their department status and activities.
  2. Associate Dean Reports:
    1. Babette Benken
      New online tools are accessible now for graduate students (e.g., Request to Graduate). Three of our master's programs are live with the degree planner and audit; the rest of the programs will go live beginning spring. The Graduate Advisor Req System is now live for graduate advisors, and all have been trained. Candidacy process remains the same (paper w/signatures).
    2. B. Barbara Taylor
      1. Summit
        The Faculty Research Summit will be on Friday, October 27, 2017 from 1:00pm to 5:00pm in the Anatol Center. A "save the date and please provide input" email will be sent to faculty on 9/3. It will request suggestions for topics for roundtable discussions. Barbara asked for input on the format for the Summit, specifically what activities could replace the "idea boards" and "oral presentations". Suggestions included having new faculty members present research posters and having roundtable discussion participants complete a brief form to trigger follow-up action on the part of the College.
      2. UROP-CNSM Partnership 鈥 postponed.
      3. IIRMES Update 鈥 postponed.
    3. C. Kris Slowinki
      The Student Research Symposium will be on Friday, September 15, 2017 from 11:00am to 1:00pm. Abstracts are due on Tuesday, September 5, 2017.
      1. Admissions and Placement Report 鈥 The "Fall '17 First Time Freshman Profile" (F'17 Units and Math SATs) was distributed.
      2. Data Fellows 鈥 needs to compile a Team to collect data for grants.
      3. Updates 鈥 "CNSM Events/Workshops" was distributed.
    4. 2
  3. Calendar Updates 鈥 Margaret Karteron 鈥
    1. The RTP timeline is changing due to Phase 1 of implementation for Digital RTP. CNSM will be in Phase 2.
      • 9/8-9/29: RTP Open Period
      • 9/8: Deadline to request consideration for Early Tenure and Promotion, or Early Promotion; Deadline to request non-consideration for promotion
      • 9/29 (Friday): All RTP Files are due to the Department Office by 5:00 p.m.
      • 11/15: Department Reviews (Committee and Chair) are due to the candidate and all files are due in the College Office.
      • 11/27: Candidate response/rebuttal (if any) are due to the College Office.
    2. Department Chairs' Administrative Timelines will be sent out this week.
    3. Scholarship Application period begins 11/1/17. Students will apply for most scholarships on-line via Beach Scholarships.
    4. Dates were proposed for a "Farewell to Dean Kingsford, Welcome Dean Bennett" social hour. No date chosen.
    5. The Emergency Contact List was circulated for members of the CDC to update.
  4. Science Learning Center
    Lisa Martin-Hansen stated that the Science Learning Center is up and running. It is open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. There have been many visits by Long Beach Unified School District 5th Graders. Kelly Kelly is the Instructional Support Assistant. Due to many collaborations by Dr. Jim Kisiel there will be a collection of "invertebrates" on display. There are over 30 Science majors that volunteer their time.
  5. Discussion 鈥 Executive Order 1100 (Proficiency in Math and English), EO 1110 (General Changes) 鈥 The Executive Orders were distributed.
  6. Budget updates 鈥 Henry Wu and Curtis Bennett
  7. 鈥淐NSM Fund CE116 (CCPE) Allocations for AY2017-2018 DRAFT (for FY 2016-17 Returns)鈥 was distributed.
  8. 7. Marketing/web update 鈥 Curtis Bennett
  9. Dean Bennett reiterated and encouraged the "No Barriers" theme of President Close Conoley and the University.
    1. The CNSM coffee mug policy is that they will be gifted after a short meeting with the Dean to those that did not attend the meeting.
    2. The dean will be attending at least one department meeting for each discipline.
    3. The Dean will be having weekly working "box lunch" meetings with faculty and staff.
    4. There are new rules for the Radiation Safety Offices.
    5. CDC meetings may or may not be weekly. More on an "as needed" basis.
    6. CNSM will be the college unit piloting electronic signatures.

Respectfully submitted by Lane Olsen-Cooper

Meeting Minutes APPROVED on Tuesday, September 12, 2017