Enrollment College Targets

Enrollment College Targets


Enrollment College Targets are forecasts of enrollment produced to advise colleges in anticipating enrollment changes to plan schedules which provide needed sections for students.

College targets are based upon the university Enrollment Forecasting Model that incorporates college average shares of prior term enrollments and many other parameters.  These parameters including the campus enrollment target, the size of undergraduate and graduate continuing student populations, continuation rates, average unit loads, new student admission cohorts, and trends.  Spring enrollment trends are influenced both by typical college differences in fall to spring patterns (such as freshman moving out of remedial English and Math classes) and by differences in spring trends in colleges (such as an increase or decrease in continuing majors). Targets are expressed in Full Time Equivalent Students (FTES).  FTES is calculated as 15 enrolled credits for an undergraduate student is equal to 1 FTE and 12 enrolled credits for a graduate student is equal to one.

Enrollment College Targets by semester: