Colloquium Archive
The following are Colloquia from previous semesters.
Fall 2024
Date | Title | Speaker and Affiliation |
December 2, 2024 | Electron Hydrodynamics | Dr. Thomas Scaffidi, UC Irvine |
November 18, 2024 | Semimetal-Semiconductor Composites based Novel Electronic Devices | Dr. Partha Dutta, United Semiconductor LLC |
November 4, 2024 | Entering the Era of Precision Neutrino Physics | Dr. Shirley Li, UC Irvine |
October 28, 2024 | Hydrogen atoms in a strong magnetic field and non-Hermitian relativistic quantum mechanics | Dr. Zoltan Papp, CSU Long Beach |
October 21, 2024 | Google Quantum AI: Overview and Opportunities | Dr. Jonathan Gross, Google Quantum |
October 14, 2024 | Molecular Materials for Quantum Information Science and Engineering | Dr. Ezekiel Johnston-Halperin, The Ohio State University |
October 7, 2024 | Selective Ion Transport in Membranes: Insights from Computational Modeling | Dr. Meng Shen, CSU Fullerton |
September 30, 2024 | Ionic and Geometric Tuning of Magnetism: Paths to Next-Generation Hardware | Dr. Julius de Rojas, Oklahoma State University |
September 23, 2024 | The "Hubble Tension": Measuring the Expansion History of the Universe with Gravitational Time Delays | Dr. Tommaso Treu, UCLA |
September 16, 2024 | Spintronics with 2D Magnetic and Topological Materials: Outstanding Opportunities in van der Waals Heterostructures | Dr. Kelly Luo, USC |
September 9, 2024 | Meet and Greet | All Physics Students and Faculty, CSU Long Beach |
Spring 2024
Date | Title | Speaker and Affiliation |
April 29, 2024 | Neutrinos from Nuclear Reactors: Status and Outlook | Dr. Juan Pedro Ochoa-Ricoux, UC Irvine |
April 22, 2024 | Topological Tuning of DNA-Based Active Matter | Dr. Rae Robertson-Anderson, University of San Diego |
April 15, 2024 | Gravitational Wave Sources at the Heart of Galaxies | Dr. Smadar Naoz, UCLA |
April 8, 2024 | Energy: The True Final Frontier (Distinguished Lecture in Physics) | Dr. Ramamoorthy Ramesh, Rice University |
April 8, 2024 | Vortices, Skyrmions and Cycloids: A New Era in Ferroelectrics | Dr. Ramamoorthy Ramesh, Rice University |
March 27, 2024 | Gravitational Waves from f-modes as a Tool to Probe the Neutron Star Interior | Dr. Debarati Chatterjee, Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics |
March 25, 2024 | Exploring Topological Phase Transitions and Dynamic Strain Engineering in Quantum Materials | Dr. Luis A. Jauregui, UC Irvine |
March 18, 2024 | DNA Liquids | Dr. Omar Saleh, UC Santa Barbara |
March 11, 2024 | The Gravity Tunnel in a Non-Uniform Earth | Dr. Alex Klotz, CSU Long Beach |
February 26, 2024 | A City on Mars: Can We Settle Space, Should We Settle Space, and Have We Really Thought This Through? | Zach Weinersmith, illustrator and writer for Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal |
February 19, 2024 | Driving Quantum Matter to Extremes | Dr. Sarah Grefe, CSU Long Beach |
February 12, 2024 | Solar System Archaelogy: Multi-disciplinary Approaches to Understanding Planetary System Formation and Environmental Science | Dr. Gerardo Dominguez, CSU San Marcos |
February 5, 2024 | Assembly, Disassembly, and Mechanics of Entropic Colloidosomes | Dr. Zvonimir Dogic, UC Santa Barbara |
January 29, 2024 | What Quantum Materials Can Reveal When Interrogated with Photoemission and Electronic Transport Probes | Dr. Claudia Ojeda-Aristizaba, CSU Long Beach |
Fall 2023
Date | Title | Speaker and Affiliation |
December 4, 2023 | Visualizing Novel Phases of Matter Using the Quantum Tunneling and Photoelectric Effects | Dr. Christopher Gutiérrez, UCLA |
November 27, 2023 | Physical Principles of Elastic Movements | Dr. Mark Ilton, Harvey Mudd College |
November 13, 2023 | Self-assembly of Colloidal Particles: How Binary Systems Help Us Design Microscopic Order in Driven and Equilibrium Assemblies | Dr. Nabila Tanjeem, CSU Fullerton |
November 6, 2023 | Investigations of Ultracold Atoms in Microgravity Environments | Dr. Maren Mossman, University of San Diego |
October 30, 2023 | From Cytoskeletal Assemblies to Living Machines | Dr. Peter Foster, USC |
October 23, 2023 | From Kepler to the Habitable Worlds Observatory: The Emerging Picture of Planet Populations | Dr. Jessie Christiansen, Caltech |
October 16, 2023 | Topic: Photoemission | Luca Moreschini, UC Berkeley |
October 9, 2023 | Nuclear Astrophysics with Gravitational Wave Observations | Dr. Jocelyn Read, CSU Fullerton |
October 2, 2023 | Probing Quantum Mechanics with Silicon Electronics | Dr. Justin Perron, CSU San Marcos |
September 25, 2023 | Ultra-faint Dwarf Galaxies: Their Evolutionary Histories & Galactic Correlations | Dr. Katy Rodriguez Wimberly, CSU San Bernardino |
September 18, 2023 | How We've Failed to Discover Dark Matter | Dr. Flip Tanedo, UC Riverside |
September 11, 2023 | Meet and Greet | All Physics Students and Faculty, CSU Long Beach |
Spring 2023
Date | Title | Speaker and Affiliation |
May 3, 2023 | Student Presentations | Students, CSU Long Beach |
May 1, 2023 | Student Presentations | Students, CSU Long Beach |
April 24, 2023 | Curved Magnetism: Magnetic Nanocap Thin Films | Dr. Jiyeong Gu, CSU Long Beach |
April 17, 2023 | Aneutronic Fusion as a Driver for Technology Innovation | Dr. Artem Smirnov, TAE Technologies Inc. |
April 10, 2023 | From 'Spooky Action at a Distance' to Quantum Computers | Dr. Tibor Rakovszky, Stanford University |
April 3, 2023 | Building an Extremely Bright Compton X-ray and Gamma Source, the Physics Behind It | Ferenc Raksi, Lumitron Technologies |
March 20, 2023 | Anomalous Magnetic Moment of the Muon | Dr. Zoltan Fodor, Penn State |
March 13, 2023 | Polymers and Parkinson's: Elucidating Protein Function through Soft Matter Paradigms and Techniques | Dr. Peter Chung, USC |
March 3, 2023 | Quantum Computing: From the Basics to Applications | Dr. Rubem Mondaini, Beijing Computational Science Research Center |
March 1, 2023 | Non-equilibrium and Topological Phenomena in the Era of Quantum Systems by Design | Ian Mondragon-Shem, Northwestern University |
February 27, 2023 | Unconventional Superconductivity in Dirac Materials | Dr. Tommy Li, Freie Universität Berlin |
February 24, 2023 | Intersections of Quantum Matter | Dr. Sarah E. Grefe, Los Alamos National Laboratory |
February 20, 2023 | The Confining Phase Transition in Lattice Quantum Electrodynamics | Dr. Lee C. Loveridge, Pierce College |
February 13, 2023 | Low Energy Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering at the Spallation Neutron Source | Dr. Samuel Hedges, Lawrence Livermore National Lab |
February 6, 2023 | Spintronics: Ultrafast Spin Currents at Room Temperature | Dr. Thomas Gredig, CSU Long Beach |
January 30, 2023 | Shedding Starlight on the Galaxy's Past | Dr. Joel Zinn, CSU Long Beach |
Fall 2022
Date | Title | Speaker and Affiliation |
December 5, 2022 | Student Presentations | Students, CSU Long Beach |
November 28, 2022 | Quantum Computing in the Cloud and Industrial Quantum Technology | Dr. Grant Salton, Amazon |
November 14, 2022 | The Insidious Neutrinos, Entropy, and Gravitational Collapse | Dr. George Fuller, UC San Diego |
November 7, 2022 | How well do neurons, humans and artificial neural networks predict? | Dr. Sarah Marzen, Claremont Colleges |
October 31, 2022 | Microfluidics tools for hydrodynamic studies of aquatic organisms | Dr. Siavash Ahrar, CSU Long Beach |
October 24, 2022 | Open Quantum Systems Engineering with Superconducting Circuits | Dr. Eli Levenson-Falk, USC |
October 17, 2022 | Squeezing 3D to 2D: ultrathin topological bismuth crystals grown inside an atomically-flat van der Waals mold | Dr. Javier Sanchez-Yamagishi, UC Irvine |
October 10, 2022 | Molecular, Vesicular, and Cellular Profiling Using Nanopore Devices: What Information Is Obtainable? | Dr. Kevin Freedman, UC Riverside |
October 3, 2022 | Planet Nine from Outer Space | Dr. Mike Brown, Caltech |
September 26, 2022 | Atomic-scale visualization of topological spin textures | Dr. Jay Gupta, The Ohio State University |
September 19, 2022 | Fundamental Physics at the Center of Our Galaxy | Dr. Tuan Do, UCLA |
September 12, 2022 | SrCoO3: Stretching and Straining towards new Ferroic Properties | Dr. Sara Callori, CSU San Bernardino |
August 29, 2022 | Meet 'n' Mix | All Physics Students and Faculty, CSU Long Beach |
Spring 2022
Date | Title | Speaker and Affiliation |
April 25, 2022 | Hunting long-lived particles at the CMS experiment | Dr. Daniel Diaz, UC San Diego |
April 18, 2022 | Looking Forward at CERN's Large Hadron Collider | Dr. Jonathan Lee Feng, UC Irvine |
April 11, 2022 | Walking The World Back From the Nuclear Brink: What can Scientists do? | Dr. Sebastien Philippe, Princeton University |
March 21, 2022 | Statistical Challenges in Big Data Astrophysics | Dr. Alexander Szalay, Johns Hopkins University |
March 14, 2022 | What does optimal human practice look like? | Dr. Joshua Samani, UCLA |
March 7, 2022 | Exploring the Milky Way's past and present using the atomic hydrogen emission | Dr. Juan Diego Soler, Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali, Rome, Italy |
February 28, 2022 | Mapping Active Galactic Nuclei using Light Echoes | Dr. Triana Almeyda, South Carolina State University |
February 23, 2022 | A stellar census for the ages: Surveying Galactic & extragalactic history with asteroseismology | Dr. Joel Zinn, American Museum of Natural History |
February 21, 2022 | What's the (dark) matter with dwarf galaxies? | Dr. Ferah Munshi, University of Oklahoma |
February 16, 2022 | Star-Planet Interactions and Resolved Galaxy Evolution | Dr. Tara Fetherolf, UC Riverside |
February 14, 2022 | Einstein on the Computer: Black Holes, Gravitational Waves, and Computational Astrophysics | Dr. Maria Okounkova, Flatiron Institute |
February 7, 2022 | Investigating the Origin of the Stars Closest to the Milky Way Supermassive Black Hole | Dr. Devin Chu, UCLA |
January 31, 2022 | What are Majorana zero modes and why should you care? | Dr. Sankar Das Sarma, University of Maryland College Park |
Fall 2021
Date | Title | Speaker and Affiliation |
December 13, 2021 | Student Research Presentations | Students, CSU Long Beach |
December 6, 2021 | Student Research Presentations | Students, CSU Long Beach |
November 29, 2021 | 4D Chromosome Organization: Combining Polymer Physics, Knot Theory and High Performance Computing | Dr. Anna Lapala, Harvard University |
November 15, 2021 | Introduction to Quantum Computing and Trapped Ion-based Technologies at Honeywell Quantum Solutions | Dr. Natalie Brown, Honeywell Inc. |
November 8, 2021 | Shedding 'Nu' Light on the Nature of Matter: the Search for Majorana Neutrinos | Dr. Julieta Gruszko, University of North Carolina |
November 1, 2021 | Tangled Worm Blobs: Living Polymers That Inspire Collective Robotics | Dr. Saad Bhamla, Georgia Tech |
October 25, 2021 | Fluid Mechanics of Modern Artistic Painting | Dr. Roberto Zenit, Brown University |
October 18, 2021 | Taking the Measure of Neutron Stars with NICER | Dr. M. Coleman Miller, University of Maryland |
October 11, 2021 | Constraining the Drake Equation: The Past, Present, and Future of the Search for Life | Dr. Kaitlin Rasmussen, University of Michigan |
October 4, 2021 | Using Microwaves to Search for New Physics in Nuclear Beta Decay | Dr. Alejandro Garcia, University of Washington |
September 27, 2021 | Synthetic Microswimmers in Complex Environments | Dr. William Uspal, University of Hawaii at Manoa |
September 20, 2021 | Coupling Diamond Defects to High-finesse Optical Microcavities | Dr. Lilian Childress, McGill University |
September 13, 2021 | The Last Supernova Ever | Dr. Matt Caplan, Illinois State University |
August 30, 2021 | Gravitational Wave Astronomy with a Precision Pulsar Timing Array Detector | Dr. Michael Lam, Rochester Institute of Technology |
August 23, 2021 | Meet and Mix | Physics faculty and guests, CSU Long Beach |
Spring 2021
Date | Title | Speaker and Affiliation |
May 5, 2021 | Student Research Presentations II | Students, CSU Long Beach |
May 3, 2021 | Student Research Presentations I | Students, CSU Long Beach |
April 26, 2021 | Bringing Physics into the Fold: from origami fashion to atomic origami for micro-scale robots | Dr. Itai Cohen, Cornell University |
April 19, 2021 | How Do You Make a Binary Black Hole? | Dr. Carl Rodriguez, Carnegie Mellon University |
April 12, 2021 | Transient Spatiotemporal Chaos | Dr. Renate Wackerbauer, University of Alaska Fairbanks |
April 5, 2021 | The Trouble with Traditional Physics Labs | Dr. Natasha Holmes, Cornell University |
March 26, 2021 | Shaken is Different: Out-of-equilibrium Quantum Matter | Dr. Martin Rodriguez-Vega, University of Texas, Austin |
March 24, 2021 | What is the Bulk Photovoltaic Effect? | Dr. Benjamin Fregoso, Kent University |
March 22, 2021 | The Magic of Moiré Quantum Matter | Dr. Pablo Jarillo-Herrero, MIT |
March 17, 2021 | Moiré Materials and Incommensurability-driven Phases in Two-dimensions | Dr. Justin Wilson, Rutgers University |
March 15, 2021 | Electron and Photon Impact Induced Processes in Molecules | Dr. Samantha Fonseca, Rollins College |
March 8, 2021 | Frontier of quantum computation and quantum machine learning | Dr. Murphy Niu, Google AI Quantum |
March 1, 2021 | Magnetohydrodynamics and Convection in Accretion Disks: From Dwarf Novae to Luminous Quasars | Dr. Omer Blaes, UC Santa Barbara |
February 22, 2021 | Power at the Nanoscale: Speed, Strength and Efficiency in Biological Motors | Dr. Carlos Bustamante, UC Berkeley |
February 15, 2021 | Reverberation Mapping Black Hole Accretion Flows | Dr. Erin Kara, MIT |
February 8, 2021 | Emerging Electrical and Optical Properties from the 2D Wonderland | Dr. Long Ju, MIT |
February 1, 2021 | Magnetism meets mesoscopics: Synthetic spin hamiltonians in nanoscale devices | Dr. Takis Kontos, Laboratorie de Physique de l'Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris France |
January 25, 2021 | High Magnetic Fields: a "magnifying glass" to spy on what electrons do! | Dr. Paula Giraldo-Gallo, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia |
Fall 2020
Date | Title | Speaker and Affiliation |
December 9, 2020 | Student Research Presentations II | Students, CSU Long Beach |
December 7, 2020 | Student Research Presentations I | Students, CSU Long Beach |
November 30, 2020 | Unveiling the Physics of High-Temperature Superconductors Using High Magnetic Fields | Dragana Popovic, Florida State University |
November 23, 2020 | Nanotechnology-enabled IoT Sensors and Applications | Jeongwon Park, University of Nevada, Reno |
November 16, 2020 | Finding an Alien Biosphere with Computational Chemistry | Clara Sousa-Silva, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
November 9, 2020 | Theoretically Searching for Topological Phases in Realistic Condensed Matter Systems | Michael Peterson, CSU Long Beach |
November 2, 2020 | Revealing the molecular players that regulate synovial joint lubrication | Roberto C. Andresen Eguiluz, UC Merced |
October 26, 2020 | Hunting Dark Particles at Colliders | Stefania Gori, University of California Santa Cruz |
October 19, 2020 | Neutron Stars as Laboratories for Fundamental Physics | Sanjay Reddy, University of Washington |
October 12, 2020 | Imaging Spins in Motion | Kristen Buchanan, Colorado State University |
October 5, 2020 | Tunneling Probe of 2D Magnetism | Adam Tsen, University of Waterloo |
September 28, 2020 | The Strange World of Fractionalized Quantum Numbers in Quantum Matter | Nandini Trivedi, Ohio State University |
September 21, 2020 | Relativistic Fluid Dynamics for Nuclear Matter under Extreme Conditions in Heavy-Ion Collisions and Astrophysics | Azwinndini Muronga, Nelson Mandela University, South Africa |
September 14, 2020 | Molecular motors robustly drive active gels to a critically connected state | José Alvarado, University of Texas, Austin |
August 31, 2020 | Meet and Mix | Faculty and Staff, CSU Long Beach |
Spring 2020
Note: Colloquia after March 9 were cancelled due to COVID-19.
Date | Title | Speaker and Affiliation |
March 9, 2020 | From Heat Engines to Green Leaves: An Experimental Physicist's Perspective on Photosynthesis | Dr. Nathan Gabor, UC Riverside |
March 2, 2020 | Learning about Neutron-rich Matter with Gravitational Waves | Dr. Jocelyn Read, CSU Fullerton |
February 24, 2020 | Placing calculus and conservation laws at the center of introductory physics | Dr. Christopher Fischer, University of Kansas |
February 17, 2020 | Parasite Chainmail: a 2D polymer | Dr. Alex Klotz, CSU Long Beach |
February 10, 2020 | Manipulating Light with Nanostructured Materials | Dr. Michelle Povinelli, USC |
February 3, 2020 | Taming Turbulence in Magnetized Plasmas: From Plasmas for Fusion Energy to Black Hole Accretion Disks | Dr. Troy Carter, UCLA |
January 27, 2020 | Mastering Quantum Mechanics | Dr. Zoltan Papp, CSU Long Beach |
Fall 2019
Date | Title | Speaker and Affiliation |
December 9, 2019 | Student Presentations II | Students, CSU Long Beach |
December 2, 2019 | Student Presentations I | Students, CSU Long Beach |
November 25, 2019 | Functional Analysis of Metabolism | Dr. Matteo Mori, UC San Diego |
November 18, 2019 | Diversity in Undergraduate Physics | Dr. Galen Pickett, CSU Long Beach |
November 13, 2019 | Road to Room Temperature Superconductivity | Dr. Vladimir Z. Kresin, UC Berkeley |
November 4, 2019 | New mechanism of electro-magnetic coupling in composite multiferroics | Dr. Igor Beloborodov, CSU Northridge |
October 28, 2019 | Unsolved Mysteries in Fundamental Physics | Dr. John Baez, UC Riverside |
October 21, 2019 | Exotic Matter Produced in Neutron star Mergers | Dr. Veronica Dexheimer, Kent State |
October 14, 2019 | Magnon Condensation in Magnetic Heterostructures | Dr. Igor Barsukov, UC Riverside |
October 7, 2019 | Controlling magnetism in a Mott insulator by optical pumping | Dr. David Hsieh, CalTech |
September 30, 2019 | Nanoengineered Materials and Interfaces for Quantum Technologies | Dr. Pankaj Jha, CalTech |
September 23, 2019 | The Explosive Astrophysics of Gravitational Waves | Dr. Jonah Kanner, CalTech |
September 16, 2019 | Opportunities for CSU Students to Work at CERN with NSF IRES Grant | Dr. Yongsheng Gao, CSU Fresno |
September 9, 2019 | Meet and Mix | Faculty and Staff, CSU Long Beach |
Spring 2019
Date | Title | Speaker and Affiliation |
April 29, 2019 | Classical and quantum computing for problems in biophysical chemistry | Rosa Di Felice, USC |
April 22, 2019 | Magnetism, superconductivity and non-trivial topology in quantum materials | Ni Ni, UCLA |
April 15, 2019 | Sequencing DNA with Single Molecule Electronics | Phil Collins, UC Irvine |
April 8, 2019 | Little Pieces of Big Problems (or Electron Microscopy for Computers and Batteries) | Chris Regan, UCLA |
March 25/27, 2019 | Distinguished Lecture: Probing topological protection of Bismuth nanowire hinge states. | Sophie Guéron, Laboratoire de Physique des solides, Orsay France |
March 18, 2019 | Cosmological Neutrinos | Kev Abazajian, UC Irvine |
March 11, 2019 | Towards Rapid Sequencing of Individual DNA Molecules in Graphene Nanogaps | Henk Postma, CSU Northridge |
March 4, 2019 | Innovative Approaches in mm-Wavelength Cosmology: From Inflation to the Epoch of Reionization and Beyond | Abigail Crites, Caltech |
February 20, 2019 | The Anomalous Origin of Polymer Enhanced Oil Recovery | Shima Parsa, Harvard |
February 18, 2019 | Physics of Knots in Stretched DNA | Alexander Klotz, MIT |
February 13, 2019 | Visualizing brain chemistry using optical nanomaterials | Jackson Travis Del Bonis-O'Donnell, UC Berkeley |
February 11, 2019 | Optical Imaging with Super-resolution and Light Sheet Microscopy to Unravel Transient Processes in Live Cells, Tissues and Organisms | Per Niklas Hedde, UC Irvine |
February 4, 2019 | Materials Science, Where Chemistry and Physics Meet | Shahab Derakhshan, CSU Long Beach |
January 28, 2019 | Improving Tests of Quantum Entanglement by using Light from Distant Quasars | Jason Gallicchio, Harvey Mudd College |
Fall 2018
Date | Title | Speaker and Affiliation |
December 12, 2018 | Students Presentations II | Students, CSU Long Beach |
December 5, 2018 | Students Presentations I | Students, CSU Long Beach |
December 3, 2018 | Microfluidics @ The Beach | Roger C. Lo, CSU Long Beach |
November 28, 2018 | Physics after the lab and the desk: Your work in PRL | Samindranath Mitra, American Physical Society |
November 26, 2018 | Exploration of Research Projects | Chuhee Kwon, CSU Long Beach |
November 6, 2018 | Basic Research and Basic Needs: Two sides of the same coin | Naresh Menon, ChromoLogic LLC |
October 29, 2018 | Investigations into the nature of magnetism in transition-metal-doped phthalocyanines | Zhengjun Wang, West Virginia University |
October 24, 2018 | What we're up to at the Google quantum hardware lab | Josh Mutus, Google Inc. |
October 22, 2018 | Theory and observations of planet formation: the modern view | Wladimir Lyra, CSU Northridge |
October 15, 2018 | Plasmonic Superconductivity in Layered Materials | Stephan Haas, USC |
October 10, 2018 | Imaging Topological States in Two-Dimensional Quantum Materials | Yongtao Cui, UC Riverside |
October 1, 2018 | Modeling Complexity: Theoretical Approaches to Multiorbital Correlated Systems | Laura Fanfarillo, International School of Advanced Studies, Italy |
September 24, 2018 | Using Research to Improve the Teaching of Quantum Mechanics | Gina Passante, CSU Fullerton |
September 17, 2018 | Meet and Mix | Faculty and Staff, CSU Long Beach |
September 10, 2018 | Shell structure and superconducting pairing in size selected meta nanoclusters | Vitaly Kresin, USC |
Spring 2018
Date | Title | Speaker and Affiliation |
April 30, 2018 | Highlights in Fusion Energy Research and Fast Ion Physics in Tokamaks | Cami Collins, General Atomics |
April 23, 2018 | A Physicist's Career In and Out of Physics | Gene Dantsker, Qualcomm Life, Inc. |
April 16, 2018 | Galaxies on FIRE: stellar feedback and galaxy evolution | Dusan Keres, UC San Diego |
April 9, 2018 | Field-effect control of emergent properties in low dimensional materials | Wu Shi, UC Berkeley |
April 2, 2018 | Self-replicating Tangles and Applications to Quantum Computation | Ryan Blair, CSU Long Beach |
March 19, 2018 | Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Many-Body Physics | Ana Cadavid, CSU Northridge |
March 12, 2018 | Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Many-Body Physics | Ehsan Khatami, San Jose State University |
February 26, 2018 | The Forces that Keep Our Cells Alive | Wylie Ahmed, CSU Fullerton |
February 21, 2018 | Cannibals in the Standard Model | Craig D. Roberts, Argonne National Laboratory, IL |
February 12, 2018 | A Brief Introduction to Rotor Dynamics | Louis Komzsik, UC Irvine |
February 5, 2018 | Superconductivity versus Magnetism in Electron-Doped Iron Selenide | Jose Rodriguez, CSU Los Angeles |
January 29, 2018 | Chasing the Sun | David Yu, DULY Research Inc. |
Fall 2017
Date | Title | Speaker and Affiliation |
December 4, 2017 | The Next Questions in Neutrino Physics | Ryan Patterson, California Institute of Technology |
November 27, 2017 | A Curious Supergravity Story | Zvi Bern, UCLA |
November 13, 2017 | Density Functional Theory and its Applications to Physics and Chemistry | Kurt Fredrickson, Applied Materials (Sunnyvale, CA) |
November 6, 2017 | Force Sensing by Bacteria | Albert Siryaporn, UC Irvine |
October 30, 2017 | What is a skyrmion? | Hector Ochoa, UCLA |
October 23, 2017 | Majorana Materializes | Jason Alicea, California Institute of Technology |
October 16, 2017 | Scanning Tunneling Microscopy of Graphene: Hydrogen Desorption and Nitrogen Doping | Li Gao, CSU Northridge |
October 9, 2017 | A Paradigmatic Study of Exo-Academia Economic Opportunites in the Absence of a Physics Doctorate | John Milligan, Logical Approach Engineering |
October 2, 2017 | Topological Order in Condensed Matter Physics | Michael R. Peterson, CSU Long Beach |
September 25, 2017 | Neutron Stars: Challenges and Opportunities | Thomas Klähn, CSU Long Beach |
September 18, 2017 | Constraining Planet Formation with Directly Imaged Exoplanets | Quinn Konopacky, UC San Diego |
September 11, 2017 | Meet and Mix | Faculty and Staff, CSU Long Beach |
Spring 2017
Date | Title | Speaker and Affiliation |
June 6, 2017 | Moire Superlattice of Graphene on Boron Nitride | Valeri Kotov, University of Vermont |
May 10, 2017 | Student Research Presentations II | Research Students CSU Long Beach |
May 8, 2017 | Student Research Presentations I | Research Students CSU Long Beach |
May 1, 2017 | Radiography at the Nevada National Security Site Cygnus Facility | Stephen E. Mitchell Nevada National Security Site |
April 17, 2017 | Large shift current generation in two-dimensional Ferroelectrics | Benjamin Fregoso Kent State University |
April 10, 2017 | Allosteric Regulation of Integrin Adhesion Receptors | Tobias Ulmer University of Southern California |
April 3, 2017 | Random Walk to NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory:Opportunities and Interactions in Materials Science | R. Peter Dillon NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
March 13, 2017 | Student Learning in the Upper-division: Difficulties and Assessment | Qing Ryan California State Polytechnic University, Pomona |
March 6, 2017 | Wiring up Biology: Natural and Bioinspired Materials for Long-Range Electronic Transport | Allon I. Hochbaum University of California, Irvine |
February 27, 2017 | Is the Higgs Elementary or Composite? | Dr. Daniel Nogradi Eotvos University |
February 20, 2017 | Quark Matter in Neutron Stars | Dr. Thomas Klaehn University of Wroclaw, Poland |
February 13, 2017 | Dark Matter in the Cosmic Context | Dr. Katherine J. Mack University of Melbourne, Australia |
Fall 2016
Date | Title | Speaker and Affiliation |
November 28, 2016 | Topological "spin" transport through magnetic insulators | Yaroslav Tserkovnyak, UCLA |
November 14, 2016 | Alexander Levine, UCLA | |
November 7, 2016 | Tuning electron interactions and stabilizing novel phases in quasi two- dimensional superconductors | Dr. Nicholas P. Breznay |
October 31, 2016 | Topological "spin" transport through magnetic insulators | Fangyuan Tian, CSU Long Beach |
October 24, 2016 | Steven White, UC Irvine | |
October 17, 2016 | Gravitational Waves from Vibrating Neutron Stars | Prashanth Jaikumar, CSU Long Beach |
October 10, 2016 | Radar Sounding of Icy Worlds: From ice fields to Mars, Europa, and Beyond | Yonggyu Gim, JPL |
October 3, 2016 | A State of Matter that is Soft on the Outside, but Tough on the Inside | Cenke Xu, UC Santa Barbara |
September 26, 2016 | From Imaginary Experiments to Quantum Information | Luis Orozco, University of Maryland |
September 19, 2016 | Mathematical Structures in Quantum Field Theory in Curved Space | Alfonso Agnew, CSU Fullerton |
September 12, 2016 | Properties of low-mass AGN as they relate to unification and massive AGN | Carol Hood, CSU San Bernardino |
August 29, 2016 | Meet and Mix | Faculty and Staff, CSU Long Beach |
Spring 2016
Date | Title | Speaker and Affiliation |
April 25, 2016 | Low energy electrodynamics of strongly disordered superconductors | Götz Seibold, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg, Germany |
April 18, 2016 | What can we learn from neutron stars? | Lee Lindblom, UC San Diego |
April 11, 2016 | Painting on canvases of 2D Crystals | Jay Gupta, Ohio State University |
April 4, 2016 | Current and future gravitational-wave discoveries with the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory, LIGO | Joshua Smith, CSU Fullerton |
March 21, 2016 | Dark Sunshine | Flip Tanedo, UC Irvine |
March 14, 2016 | Probing the Structure and Dynamics of the Solar Interior Using Helioseismology | Edward J. Rhodes, USC |
March 7, 2016 | The Search for Supersymmetry at the LHC: News from the Front Lines | Owen Long, UC Riverside |
February 24, 2016 | Investigating Complexity One Atom at a Time | Eric Hudson, Penn State University |
February 22, 2016 | On the Dynamics of Planets, Stars and Black Holes – New Insights from Triples | Smadar Naoz, UCLA |
February 8, 2016 | Anyonics: Designing Exotic Circuitry with Non-Abelian Anyons | Kirill Shtengel, UC Riverside |
February 1, 2016 | Functionalizing Graphene for Spintronics and Quantum Information Applications: Density Functional Studies | Ruqian Wu, UC Irvine |
January 25, 2016 | Time Fluctuations in Quantum Systems Out-of-Equilibrium | Lorenzo Campos Venuti, USC |
Fall 2015
Date | Title | Speaker and Affiliation |
December 9, 2015 | Student Presentations III | Students, CSU Long Beach |
December 7, 2015 | Student Presentations II | Students, CSU Long Beach |
December 2, 2015 | Student Presentations I | Students, CSU Long Beach |
November 30, 2015 | Confining Energetic Ions in Magnetic Fusion Experiments | William Heidbrink, UC Irvine |
November 16, 2015 | Magnetic Force Microscopy of Magnets with Competing Interactions | Yeong-Ah Soh |
November 9, 2015 | Quadratic Magneto Optical Kerr Effect and Chirality of Magnetization Reversal in Py/SmFe/Py Exchange Springs | Jiyeong Gu, CSU Long Beach |
November 2, 2015 | The Unpredictable, the Predetermined, and the Postdetermined Unfold Together | R.G. James, UC Davis |
October 26, 2015 | Heating up Quantum Mechanics | S. Parameswaran, UC Irvine |
October 19, 2015 | From Physics to Data Science | D. Benveniste, EMC Corporation |
October 12, 2015 | Searching for the dark universe with matter wave interferometry | P. Hamilton, UCLA |
October 5, 2015 | The Role of Physics in Medicine: Examples from X-Ray Computed Tomography | M. McNitt-Gray, UCLA |
September 28, 2015 | Magnetoresistance Measurements on SmB6 – Cornering the Parameter Space of an Illusive Correlated Topological Insulator | Cagliyan Kurdak, University of Michigan |
September 21, 2015 | Looking for unconventional quantum states in layered materials & heterostructures | Claudia Ojeda-Aristizabal, CSU Long Beach |
September 14, 2015 | Light Nuclei, the Universe, and Everything | Kenneth Nollett, San Diego State University |
August 31, 2015 | Meet and Mix | Faculty and Staff, CSU Long Beach |
Spring 2015
Date | Title | Speaker and Affiliation |
April 27, 2015 | Metamorphosis of Superconducting Correlations in a Magnetic Material | Andreas Bill, CSU Long Beach |
April 20, 2015 | Cosmic Light | Asantha Cooray, UC Irvine |
April 13, 2015 | When Spin meets Momentum? | Vivek Aji, UC Riverside |
April 6, 2015 | The Role Of Quantum Geometry In Topological Phases | Rahul Roy, UCLA |
March 23, 2015 | The Cosmos seen through the Planck Satellite's Eyes | Elena Pierpaoli, USC |
March 16, 2015 | Local Probes of the Early Universe: Using Nearby Brown Dwarfs to Measure Lithium Production in Big Bang Nucleosynthesis | Adam Burgasser, UC San Diego |
March 9, 2015 | What is a Sagnac interferometer and what can it do? | Jing Xia, UC Irvine |
February 25, 2015 | Quantum Phenomena and Layered Heterostructures | Claudia Ojeda-Aristizabal, UC Berkeley |
February 23, 2015 | Molding Light with Flat Optics | Myoung Hwan Kim, Columbia |
February 18, 2015 | Few-body Physics in Ultracold Atoms: Observation of Geometric Scaling Symmetry in Li-Cs-Cs Efimov States | Shih-Kuang Tung, NU |
February 16, 2015 | Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Condensed Matter Physics: Unconventional Superconductivity, Quantum Magnetism, and Other Magnificent Tales | Georgios Koutroulakis, UCLA |
February 11, 2015 | Transparent Conducting Oxide Active Plasmonics and Metasurfaces: Ultrasmall and Ultrathin Optics | Howard Lee, Caltech |
February 9, 2015 | Probing and Controlling Ultrafast Electron Motion with Attosecond Transient Absorption Spectroscopy | Michael Chini, UC Fullerton |
February 2, 2015 | Rapid Sequencing of Individual DNA Molecules with Graphene Nanogaps | Henk Postma, CSU Northridge |
Fall 2014
Date | Title | Speaker and Affiliation |
December 8, 2014 | Student Presentations II | Students, CSU Long Beach |
December 5, 2014 | Student Presentations I | Students, CSU Long Beach |
December 1, 2014 | Self-Organized Pattern Formation in Thin Liquid Films | Michael Bestehorn, BTU, Germany |
November 24, 2014 | Understanding Stellar Neutrinos | Michael Smy, UC Irvine |
November 17, 2014 | Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics: A Tool to Reveal and Harness Nature’s Most Cherished Secrets | Wendell T. Hill, III, UMD |
November 10, 2014 | Spin Dynamics Applied to Iron Phthalocyanine | Thomas Gredig, CSU Long Beach |
November 3, 2014 | Probing the Interior of Neutron Stars through Non-radial Oscillations | Prashanth Jaikumar, CSU Long Beach |
October 27, 2014 | Simulation and spectroscopy of many-body systems with cold atoms and molecules | Wes Campbell, UCLA |
October 20, 2014 | Theoretical Approaches towards HIV Vaccine Designs and Prevention Efforts | Ha Youn Lee, USC |
October 13, 2014 | Searches for Particle Dark Matter | Tim Tait, UC Irvine |
October 6, 2014 | Electronic correlations in multi-orbital systems and iron based superconductors | Elena Bascones, ICMM, CSIC |
September 29, 2014 | Radiationless Decay Studied by Time- Dependent Density Functional Theory | Enrico Tapavicza, CSU Long Beach |
September 22, 2014 | BME/Medical Physics; Assisted management of cardiopulmonary diseases | Christopher Druzgalski, CSU Long Beach |
September 15, 2014 | Density Functional Theory: A great physics success story | Kieron Burke, UC Irvine |
September 8, 2014 | Meet and Mix | Faculty and Staff, CSU Long Beach |
June 2, 2014 | Development of Micro-Devices for Intra-Cellular Recordings in Awake Active Brains | M. Barbic, CSU Long Beach |
Spring 2014
Date | Title | Speaker and Affiliation |
May 7, 2014 | Students Presentations II | Students, CSU Long Beach |
May 5, 2014 | Students Presentations I | Students, CSU Long Beach |
April 28, 2014 | Large Graphs in Physics: From Statistical Mechanics of Networks to Quantum Cosmology | Dmitri Krioukov, UC San Diego |
April 21, 2014 | Planet Formation Revealed by High-Contrast Imaging | Michael Fitzgerald, UCLA |
April 14, 2014 | X-ray and Infrared Observational Studies of Star Formation Across the Milky Way | Matthew Povich, Cal Poly Pomona |
April 7, 2014 | Engineering Light Matter Interactions with Colloidal Systems | Regina Ragan, UC Riverside |
March 24, 2014 | Effective Field Theory | A. Manohar, UC San Diego |
March 17, 2014 | Quantum Transport and Correlated Phenomena in Bilayer and Trilayer Graphene Membranes | J. Lau, UC Riverside |
March 10, 2014 | Nonlinear dynamics and phase transitions in heart cells | Y. Shiferaw, CSU Northridge |
March 3, 2014 | Space Situational Awareness: Providing advanced, innovative space surveillance technologies to the warfighter | Kenneth A. Abeloe, Integrity Applications Incorporated |
February 24, 2014 | My Favorite Elementary Particle: The Neutrino | James Hill, CSU Domingez Hills |
February 17, 2014 | Heating up the Vacuum: a new Spin on QCD at RHIC | Kenneth R. Barish, UC Riverside |
February 10, 2014 | Superconducting States in pseudo-Landau levels of Strained Graphene | Yafis Barlas, UC Riverside |
February 3, 2014 | Computational Approach to Undergraduate Physics Laboratory | Zoltan Papp, CSU Long Beach |
January 27, 2014 | Laser Eye Surgery: Applied Physics at its Finest | F. Raksi |
Fall 2013
Date | Title | Speaker and Affiliation |
December 11, 2013 | Student Presentations II | Students, CSU Long Beach |
December 9, 2013 | Student Presentations I | Students, CSU Long Beach |
December 2, 2013 | What Shuts Down Star Formation in Galaxies? | Alison Coil, UC San Diego |
November 25, 2013 | Extracellular Charge Transport in Microbial Communities: Physics meets Microbiology | Moh El-Naggar, USC |
November 18, 2013 | First Light on the Cosmological Dark Ages | Peng Oh, UC Santa Barbara |
November 12, 2013 | Sub-wavelength Scale Light-matter Interaction: | Y. Abate, CSU Long Beach |
November 4, 2013 | Peer Learning | Zvonko Hlousek, CSU Long Beach |
October 28, 2013 | Supercomputer simulations of colliding black holes | Geoffrey Lovelace, CSU Fullerton |
October 21, 2013 | Investigating the Physics of Mass Transfer in Algol Binaries from Spacecraft Data | Geraldine Peters, USC |
October 14, 2013 | Opening A New Window to Charged Particle Astronomy | Konstantin Belov, UCLA |
October 7, 2013 | Developing large-enrollment, conceptual physics courses: Active learning and science practices for non-majors | Edward Price, CSU San Marcos |
September 30, 2013 | The Time-Dependent Aharonov-Bohm Effect | Doug Singleton, CSU Fresno |
September 23, 2013 | Building Electronic Circuits at the Single Molecule Scale | Phil Collins, UC Irvine |
September 16, 2013 | Under Siege: Searching for the Identity of Dark Matter | Manoj Kaplinghat, UC Irvine |
September 9, 2013 | Meet & Mix | Faculty and Staff, CSU Long Beach |
August 19, 2013 | Spectral Analysis and Applications of Plasmonic Gold Nanocones | U. Tuebingen |
Spring 2013
Date | Title | Speaker and Affiliation |
May 8, 2013 | Student Presentations II | Students, CSU Long Beach |
May 6, 2013 | Student Presentations I | Students, CSU Long Beach |
April 29, 2013 | The Search for Majorana Modes in Solid-State Systems | R. Lutchyn, Microsoft Station Q |
April 22, 2013 | Studying Gravity to Defying Gravity: A Physicist in Aerospace | Sam Waldman, SpaceX |
April 17, 2013 | TBA | J. Mather, 2006 Nobel Laureate in Physics |
April 15, 2013 | The Physics of Wall Street | J.O. Weatherall |
April 8, 2013 | Heavy Electrons and Superconductivity | Z. Fisk, UC Irvine |
March 25, 2013 | X-Ray Microscopy at a Synchrotron - Large Machines and Small Devices | H. Ohldag, SLAC |
March 11, 2013 | Graphene Koans | B.C. Regan, UCLA |
March 4, 2013 | Effect of Gravity and Finite Temperature on the Decay of the False Vacuum | L.C. Loveridge, Pierce College |
February 25, 2013 | Strain Induced Quantum Hall States in Graphene | S. Haas, USC |
February 18, 2013 | ºÚÁÏÍø Students Presenting their Research | W. Klink, U. of Iowa |
February 11, 2013 | Holographic QCD: Insights and Applications | J. Day, U. of Graz, Austria |
February 4, 2013 | High Temperature Superconductivity: Taming Serendipity | L. H. Greene, U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
January 28, 2013 | ºÚÁÏÍø Students Research Presentations S.E.Grefe and S.Hedges | CSU Long Beach |
Fall 2012
Date | Title | Speaker and Affiliation |
December 12, 2012 | Student Presentations II | Students, CSU Long Beach |
December 10, 2012 | Student Presentations I | Students, CSU Long Beach |
December 3, 2012 | Topological Quantum Computation | Chetan Nayak, Station Q & KITP UC Santa Barbara |
November 26, 2012 | Stringy Surprises at Strong Coupling | Clifford Johnson, USC |
November 19, 2012 | Multi-Component Equations in Quantum Mechanics | Z. Papp, CSU Long Beach |
November 13, 2012 | Extreme Tides: The Dynamic Response of Neutron Stars in Merging Binaries | J. Read, CSU Fullerton |
November 5, 2012 | Keeping it Light: Sculpting the Color and Spatio-Temporal Characteristics of Ultrafast Laser Beams Using Spatial Light Modulators | Matt Anderson, San Diego State University |
October 29, 2012 | Raman Probe Force Microscope | K. Wickramasinghe, UC Irvine |
October 22, 2012 | Superconductivity in Fe-Based Superconductors: Competing Orders and Cooper-pairing | Ilyia Eremin, University of Bochum, Germany |
October 15, 2012 | Graphene Plasmonics: Tunable Resonators with Extreme Light Confinement | Victor Brar, Caltech |
October 8, 2012 | My Journey Back to the Beach | Kevin Dwyer, CSU Long Beach |
October 1, 2012 | Physics Education Research and the Upper Division | Michael Loverude, CSU Fullerton |
September 24, 2012 | Physics of Medical Imaging: Seeing Inside the Human Body with Radiation – A Career in Healthcare for Physicists | Leh-nien Loo, Kaiser Permanente |
September 17, 2012 | Bifurcations and Phase-Locking Dynamics in Hair Cells of the Inner Ear | Dolores Bozovic, UCLA |
September 10, 2012 | Meet and Mix | Faculty and Staff, CSU Long Beach |
Spring 2012
Date | Title | Speaker and Affiliation |
May 9, 2012 | Student Presentations II | Students, CSU Long Beach |
May 7, 2012 | Student Presentations I | Students, CSU Long Beach |
April 30, 2012 | Magnetism and Superconductivity in Inhomogeneous Systems | Richard Scalettar, UC Davis |
April 23, 2012 | Learning Solutions 4 the Social Age | Z. Hlousek, T. Gredig, C. Kwon, J. Kisiel, CSU Long Beach |
April 16, 2012 | Physics in Medicine: A Condensed Matter Physicist’s Journey into Medical Physics | Daniel Scanderbeg, UC San Diego |
April 9, 2012 | Astronomy and Fundamental Physics with Space-Based Gravitational-Wave Detectors | Michele Vallisneri, JPL & Caltech |
April 2, 2012 | Polymer Solar Cells | Gang Li, UCLA |
March 19, 2012 | Thick Graphene / Thin Graphite: Electronic Transport in ABA Trilayer Graphene | Erik Henriksen, Caltech |
March 12, 2012 | Noise in Superconducting Qubits and Spin Glasses | Clare Yu, UC Irvine |
March 5, 2012 | SOFIA - NASA's Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy | Dana Backman, SETI Institute, NASA Ames Research Center |
February 27, 2012 | Unruh-DeWitt Detectors: Measuring the Temperature of the Vacua | Doug Singleton, CSU Fresno |
February 20, 2012 | Metallic Nanoclusters: Properties, Clusters vs Nuclei, High Temperature Superconducting State | Vladimir Kresin, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
February 13, 2012 | The Way of the Physicist. A Brief Picture of of the Fun/Trouble I have Had & Caused | Harald Butch Miller, Northrop Grumman |
February 6, 2012 | Gravitational Waves, a New Window on the Universe | Jay Marx, LIGO, Caltech |
January 30, 2012 | Not Yet the Last to Lay the Old Aside | Virginia Trimble, UC Irvine |
Fall 2011
Date | Title | Speaker and Affiliation |
December 16, 2011 | Gaia, a Mission to Map our Galaxy | L. Eyer, Geneva Observatory, Switzerland |
December 7, 2011 | Radiometric Dating as a Reliable Clock of Geology | Z. Pecskay, Inst. of Nuclear Research, Debrecen, Hungary |
December 5, 2011 | Students Presentations II | Students, CSU Long Beach |
November 30, 2011 | Students Presentations I | Student, CSU Long Beach |
November 21, 2011 | Pure Spin Currents: Discharging Spintronics | Axel Hoffmann, Argonne National Lab |
November 14, 2011 | Surface Plasmon Resonance: Instrumentation and Applications to Studies of Electrode Reactions and Detections of Biomakers. | Feimeng Zhou, CSU Los Angeles |
November 7, 2011 | Topological Non-Abelian Anyons and the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect | Michael Peterson, CSU Long Beach |
October 31, 2011 | Results from the First Two Years of the Large Hadron Collider | Beate Heinemann, UC Berkeley |
October 24, 2011 | Superconductivity in Synthetic Metals | Stuart Brown, UCLA |
October 19, 2011 | Science & Discovery - Life of a Scientist | Charles Townes, UC Berkeley |
October 17, 2011 | Mid-Infrared Variability of Orion Protostars using Spitzer | Susan Terebey, CSU Los Angeles |
October 10, 2011 | Physics of the Sun | Werner Däppen, USC |
October 3, 2011 | Physics Education, Interactive Engagement, and Technology: Understanding the Complexity of the Classroom | Edward Price, CSU San Marcos |
September 26, 2011 | Three-Dimensional Magnetic Field Line Reconnection Involving Magnetic Flux Ropes and Current Sheets | Walter Gekelman, UCLA |
September 19, 2011 | High School Physics Standards: A Nationwide Comparison | Kathryn Beck, CSU Long Beach |
September 12, 2011 | Meet and Mix | Faculty and Staff, CSU Long Beach |
Spring 2011
Date | Title | Speaker and Affiliation |
May 11, 2011 | Students Presentations II | Students, CSU Long Beach |
May 9 2011 | Students Presentations I | Students, CSU Long Beach |
May 2, 2011 | Interaction of Composite Particles | Z. Papp, CSU Long Beach |
April 25, 2011 | Dark Energy | B. Desai, UC Riverside |
April 18, 2011 | Magnetothermopower as a Tool for Studying the Electronic Properties of Layered Organic Conductors | D. Krstovska, National High Magnetic Field Lab., Florida State Univ., & Ss. Cyril and Methodius Univ., Skopje, Macedonia |
April 11, 2011 | Quantum Computing: Harnessing a New Force of Nature | E. Ladizinsky, D-Wave Systems, Inc. |
April 4, 2011 | Hubble's New View of the Evolving Universe of Galaxies | M.A. Malkan, UCLA |
March 25, 2011 | Plasmonics and the Near Field | M. Moskovits, UC Santa Barbara |
March 21, 2011 | Translational Research in Proton Therapy: A Medical Physics Perspective | A.J. Wroe, Loma Linda University |
March 14, 2011 | The Development of Relativistic Ultrafast Electron Diffraction: Using Particle Accelerators to Watch Atoms Move in Real Time | P. Musumeci, UCLA |
February 28, 2011 | Topological Phases of Matter, the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect, and the Reality of Non-Abelian Anyons | M. Peterson, UC Santa Barbara |
February 23, 2011 | Quantum Phases in Ultracold Atomic and Molecular Lattice Systems | B. Capogrosso-Sansone, ITAMP, Harvard-Smithsonian Center of Astrophysics and Harvard Physics Department |
February 21, 2011 | Few-Body Physics with Ultracold Quantum Gases: from Efimov Physics to Controllable Chemical Reactions | J.P. D'Incao, JILA, Univ. of Colorado and NIST |
February 16, 2011 | Topological Insulators: from Clean Energy to Exotic Particles! | P. Ghaemi, UC Berkeley |
February 14, 2011 | Very Broad Band Sensors for Global Seismic Recording | T. VanZandt, Metrozet LLC |
February 7, 2011 | The First Realistic Quantum Spin Liquid | S. White, UC Irvine |
January 31, 2011 | Physics Education Online | Z. Hlousek, CSU Long Beach |
Fall 2010
Date | Title | Speaker and Affiliation |
December 8, 2010 | Students Presentations II | Students, CSU Long Beach |
December 6, 2010 | Students Presentations I | Students, CSU Long Beach |
November 29, 2010 | Exploring the Unknown Universe with the LHC | D. Whiteson, UC Irvine |
November 22, 2010 | Recent Advances in High-Temperature Superconductivity | N-C. Yeh, Caltech |
November 15, 2010 | Creating an Effective Professional Presentation | D. Davis, McNair Scholars Program |
November 8, 2010 | The Role of Orbital and Spin Ordering in Manganites – A Direct View from Static and Time-Resolved Resonant Soft X-Ray Scattering | S. Zhou, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
November 3, 2010 | Broadband Infrared Near-Field Nanoscopy | F. Keilmann, Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics, Germany |
November 1, 2010 | Quantum Phases of Cold Atom Mixtures | S-W. Tsai, UC Riverside |
October 25, 2010 | Phases of Dense Matter in Compact Stars | F. Weber, San Diego State University |
October 18, 2010 | Spectroscopic Characterization of Extra-Solar Planets | P. Deroo, JPL |
October 11, 2010 | Simplicity Through Innovation - The Path to High Gain Solar | B. MacDonald, Skyline Solar |
October 4, 2010 | Progress Towards Discovering the Biophysical Basis of Magnetic Sensing | T. Ritz, UC Irvine |
September 27, 2010 | Fundamental Studies of Fast-Ion Physics in Magnetically Confined Plasmas | W.W. Heidbrink, UC Irvine |
September 20, 2010 | What I've Learned - 25 Years Teaching High-School Physics | Rod Ziolkowski, CSU Long Beach |
September 13, 2010 | Meet and Mix | Faculty and Staff, CSU Long Beach |