Dr. Felton Williams, Evening MBA – Member of the Long Beach Unified School District Board of Education
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Dr. Felton Williams, Evening MBA – Member of the Long Beach Unified School District Board of Education

Dr. Felton C. Williams currently serves as a Member of the Long Beach Unified School District‘s Board of Education. He served in the following administrative capacities at California State Universities, Long Beach and Dominguez Hills: Asst. to Assoc. Dean of Instructional Services (); Asst. to the President/Affirmative Action Officer (CSUDH); Dean of Counseling Services at Sacramento City College; Dean of Business and Social Science at Long Beach City College prior to his retirement in 2007. Dr. Williams received a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Higher Education from Claremont Graduate University, where he studied under the direction of Peter F. Drucker. He received his MBA and BA in Business Administration at CSU, Long Beach, and his A.A. in Secretarial Science at L.A. Harbor College. He began his career in higher education at CSU, Long Beach where he participated in the design and implementation of the first computer assisted registration system, (CAR), and the graduate program in Public Policy and Administration; Dr. Williams served as a member of the U.S. Army as Personal Secretary to the Brigade Commander and received an honorable discharge at the rank of E5.
Administrative Assignments
- Associate Director, Learning Assistance Center, CSU, Dominguez Hills
- Affirmative Action Officer/ Assistant to the President, CSU, Dominguez Hills
- Administrative Assistant, Center for Public Policy and Administration, CSU, Long Beach
Classroom Teaching
- “Management Theory” (CSUDH)
- “Human Resources Management” (CSUDH)
- “Management,” (Long Beach City College)
Public Service
- Member, Board of Governors, Leadership Long Beach (2016-Present)
- Chair, Council of the Great City Schools (2016-2017)
- President, Board of Education, Long Beach Unified School District in: (2007-08; 2010-11; 2011-12; 2015-16)
- Chair, Social Responsibilities Committee, St. Mary Hospital Foundation (2010)
- Chair, Education Committee, 100 Black Men of Long Beach (2009-2010)
- Commissioner, Community Development Advisory Commission, City of Long Beach (2002-05)
- Member, Ethics Committee, City of Long Beach (Appointed by Council member Bonnie Lowenthal)
- Board member, California State University, L.B.., College of Business Administration
- Chair, Region I NAACP (9 Western States); President, Southern Area Conf., NAACP; President, San Pedro/Wilmington NAACP
- CSU, Long Beach President’s External Advisory Board, (2018)
- Selected, Outstanding Alumnus, Claremont Graduate University, (2018).
- Cited, Community Impact Award, Goodwill Industries, (2108)
- Recipient, Richard R. Green National Urban Educator of the Year Award, Council of the Great City Schools, (2017)
- Recipient, “Certificate of Recognition,” National Council of Negro Women, Long Beach Chapter (2017)
- Recipient, “Humanitarian Award,” California Conference of Equality and Justice, (2014)
- Recipient, Alpha kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., 2001 Pearl Award, Outstanding Work & Service in Education
- Elected Membership, “Who’s Who in American Education” (1995)
- Elected Membership, “Who’s Who in the World,” National (1995)
- Cited, California State University Stateline, “Alumni on the Move,” (1989)
- Outstanding Alumnus Award, “ Los Angeles Harbor College ,” (1989)
- Resolution: ”Outstanding Contributions to the Community,” California State Assembly (1980)