Faculty Publications 2023-2024
Acevedo Rivera, Jeannette. “Between Conformity and Transgression: Approaches to Writing in the Albums of Emilia Pardo Bazán.” The Palgrave Handbook of Transnational Women’s Writing in the Long Nineteenth Century. Palgrave, 2024.
Acevedo Rivera, Jeannette. Interview for 19 Cents, Blog of the Nineteenth-Century Studies Association. February 2024.
The Palgrave Handbook of Transnational Women’s Writing in the Long Nineteenth Century, Edited by Claire Martin and Clorinda Donato, Palgrave-MacMillan, 2024. In addition to co-editing the 42 essays contained in this handbook, I co-wrote the introduction (1-28) and contributed the following chapter: “Transnational Identities and Translated Agencies: From Madame de Staël’s 1807 Corinne, or Italy to Kim Ragusa’s 2006 The Skin Between Us: A Memoir of Race, Beauty, and Belonging,” 79-96.
Donato, Clorinda. “The Dictionnaire oeconomique (1709),” in Specialized Encyclopedias of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, Eds. Jeff Loveland and Stéphane Schmitt, Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment, Oxford: Liverpool University Press 2024, 169-200.
Donato, Clorinda. “La diaspora italiana e il romanzo storico: The Good Left Undone di Adriana Trigiani, Campi immaginabili 68-69, Bettino 2023, 479-502.
Donato, Clorinda. “Pinks, Purples, and Shades of Porpora: The Life of Porpora Marcasciano and the Work of Trans Activism,” in Female Cultural Production in
Modern Italy: Literature, Art and Intellectual History, Eds. Sharon Hecker and Catherine Ramsay-Portolano, Palgrave Macmillan, 2023, 399-414.
Donato, Clorinda. “Language use and intercomprehension in telecollaboration among Italian mentors and heritage Spanish speaker mentees = Uporaba jezika i međurazumljivost u telekolaboraciji na tečaju talijanskoga jezika između izvornih govornika talijanskoga i nasljednih govornika španjolskoga jezika,” Diego Cortés Velásquez, Clorinda Donato and Francesca Ricciardelli, Foreign languages: a journal of applied linguistics, Vol. 52, No. 1, 2023, 75-100.
Donato, Clorinda. “L’empowerment de la nation dans les traductions italienne et espagnole du dictionnaire de Grammaire et Littérature de l’Encyclopédie méthodique,” in Nationalisations et autonomisations dans le contexte de l’encyclopédisme européen Eds. Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink and Susana Greilich, Königshausen & Neumann, 2023, 51-70.
Donato, Clorinda. Review of: Silvana La Spina. Penelope. Trans. Anna Chiafele and Lisa Pike. Bordighera Press, 2021. 150 pages, Delos: A Journal of Translation and World Literature, Vol. 38 No. 1 (2023), 103-105.
Donato, Clorinda. Review of Marquis de Sade, Journey to Italy, translated by James A. Steintrager (Toronto: Univ. of Toronto Press, 2020). Pp. 832. 8 color and 22 b/w illus. $131.00 cloth, Eighteenth-Century Studies – Volume 56, Number 3, Spring 2023, 496-498 DOI: 10.1353/ecs.2023.0042
Donato, Clorinda. Review of Helder Mendes Baiao, Rêves de citoyens. L’utopie républicaine dans la littérature Suisse-romande au XVIIIe siècle. Bern: Peter Lang, 2021. 320pp. $75.15 U.S. (pb). ISBN 9-78-1787076488. $74.05 U.S. (eb). ISBN 9-78-
Gasior, Bonnie. “Lope’s Los guanches de Tenerife y conquista de Gran Canaria: An Ecocritical Reading.” Decentering the Anthropocene: Spanish Ecocritical Texts and the Non-Human, edited by Maryanne Leone and Shanna Lino, U of Toronto P, 2023, pp. 33-55.
Manke, Beth; Gasior, Bonnie; Chang, Michelle. Internships, High-Impact Practices and Provocative Praxis in Higher Education: A Social Justice Framework Based on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Routledge, 2024.
Herrera Cepero, Daniel. El pulso herido. Piezas azules, 2024.
Herrera Cepero, Daniel. “Impacto de la experiencia urbana en la vida mental de los cronistas españoles desde la Ilustración al 98: Clavijo y Fajardo, Larra, Bécquer, Mesonero Romanos, Unamuno y Azorín.” Ciberletras. Revista de crítica literaria y de cultura, 50, January 2024, pp. 13-27.
Herrera Cepero, Daniel. “ Lorca en Cortázar: estudio de una influencia inexplorada.” Revista de literatura, vol. 85, n.º 170, diciembre de 2023, pp. 503-19,
Jeffrey L. High and Carrie Collenberg-González, eds., Heinrich von Kleist: Artistic and Aesthetic Legacies (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).
With Sophia Clark, “Film Adaptations of Kleist’s Michael Kohlhaas: On Triage, Recasting, and Restructuring,” in: Jeffrey L. High and Carrie Collenberg-González, eds., Heinrich von Kleist: Artistic and Aesthetic Legacies (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024), 176–203.
With Carrie Collenberg-González, “Introduction: The Artistic and Aesthetic Legacies of Heinrich von Kleist,” in: Jeffrey L. High and Carrie Collenberg-González, eds., Heinrich von Kleist: Artistic and Aesthetic Legacies (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024), 1–23.
High, Jeffrey L. “Philosophical Writings from Schiller’s Time at the Karlsschule in Stuttgart (1774–1780),” in: Antonino Falduto and Tim Mehigan, eds., The Palgrave Handbook on the Philosophy of Friedrich Schiller (New York: Palgrave, 2023), 91–128.
High, Jeffrey L. “J. Chr. Fr. Schiller: A Life as Mensch of Letters,” in: Antonino Falduto and Tim Mehigan, eds., The Palgrave Handbook on the Philosophy of Friedrich Schiller (New York: Palgrave, 2023), 3–53.
Nayak, A., Tatro, J. (2024). Gender Fluidity, the Crisis of Care, and Eco-criticism in George Sand’s François le champi. In: Martin, C.E., Donato, C. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Transnational Women’s Writing in the Long Nineteenth Century. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Powell, Jessica. Reinbou. Translation of Pedro Cabiya’s novel Reinbou. (New York: Zemí Book, 2017). Astra House Books: March 2024.
Powell, Jessica. “Stars Behind Her Eyelids.” Translation of Carolina Brown’s short story “Estrellas detrás de los párpados.” Review 108: Literature and Arts of the Americas: Spring 2024.
Powell, Jessica. “A Journey Towards the Other.” Translation of Juan Gabriel Vázquez’ essay “El viaje hacia el otro.” Review 107: Literature and Arts of the Americas: Fall 2023.
Powell, Jessica. “The Taxi Driver.” Translation of Zaida Corniel’s short story “El taxista.” Review 106: Literature and Arts of the Americas: Spring 2023.
Powell, Jessica. “Out of Place: A Mexican Lobo & Puerto Rican Human Explore a New Landscape.” Translation of Rima Brusi’s essay “Anubis.” The AutoEthnographer: A Literary & Arts Magazine, Vol. 3, Issue 1: February 2023.
Suárez, Daniela. “El periodismo cultural de Carlos Monsiváis.” Constancia de la fugacidad. Contribuciones a la historia del periodismo cultural en México, siglo XX (eds. Álvaro Ruiz Rodilla and María Andrea Giovine Yáñez). Dirección general de publicaciones. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, September 2023, pp. 569-590
Suárez, Daniela. “Querida Rita (o cómo escribirnos en segunda persona).” Latin American Literature Today. No. 29. March, 2024