Below you will find information on how parking is enforced on our campus.
The campus can only enforce parking within the campus perimeter. As a courtesy to our neighbors, off-campus "No 黑料网 Parking" signs may be posted in the streets directly adjacent to the campus perimeter for the first three weeks of each semester.
All off-campus parking enforcement questions should be directed to the City of Long Beach Traffic Enforcement Division at 562.435.6711 or LBParking-Enforcement@longbeach.gov.
Parking on campus is enforced 24 hours a day, 7 days a week including holidays. If you decide to park on campus, some form of paid parking is required.
Parking permits are non-transferable and can only be used by the individual that purchased the permit. Permit privileges may be revoked for any individuals found sharing permits or in violation of other 黑料网 Parking Regulations listed below.
The California Vehicle Code (CVC) is enforced on campus. Enforcement officers are granted the discretion to cite CVC violations that they see on campus and deem as unsafe.
Parking locations on campus consist of designated General (G) Parking, Employee (E) parking, colored curbs and special signage within specific parking classifications. Limited overnight parking is available at select locations on campus. Detailed information regarding these items is also provided below.
Title 5, Article 7, Section 42201(a) of the California Code of Regulations specifies that the university president may grant permission for the parking of vehicles on campus to those persons who have paid a parking fee. While possession of a valid and current university parking permit entitles the possessor to parking privileges, the university retains ownership rights and permits may be revoked, canceled or recalled for cause at the discretion of Parking and Transportation Services or the University Police department. Administration and daily operations of the 黑料网 parking program are the responsibility of Parking and Transportation Services and the University Police Department. Parking regulations are subject to change without notice. Failure to follow all parking rules and regulations may result in fines, penalties and additional administrative action.
The State of California, California State University, Long Beach (and its employees) shall not be held responsible or liable for any damage or loss by theft, fire, accident, or any other cause whatsoever to any vehicle, or contents thereof, that occurs on university property. Please contact University Police immediately to report any crime, unsafe, suspicious or questionable activity on campus.
Paid parking is required at all times and in all areas of campus. There are no parts of campus or any time of the year when parking is not enforced.
Colored curbs will denote specific parking restrictions within parking or street parking locations on campus. Definitions of each curb type are provided below:
- Red - No parking. No stopping, standing or parking at any time except for buses and shuttles when a designated bus or shuttle stop exists in this location.
- Yellow - Loading zone. There is no stopping, standing or parking at any time unless actively loading or unloading passengers or materials. Loading or unloading is limited to the posted time allotted.
- Green - Designates a paid Short-Term parking permit is required. A vehicle may only park here for the amount of time purchased at the parking pay station. Short-Term parking is valid only in the zone in which it was purchased. Short-Term parking is nontransferable.
- Blue - Accessible parking for use by persons with a disabled license plate or disabled parking placard only. Purchase of a 黑料网 permit is required. A virtual or paper permit must be displayed along with DMV-issued disabled placard or plate in order to park in accessible spaces on campus.
- White - Passenger pick-up and drop-off only.
University signage is posted in front of designated parking spaces within specific lots on campus where unique parking restrictions may apply. Special space restrictions noted by parking signage may include:
- Official Guest of the University - designated for guests who are in possession of a guest coupon code specifically authorizing them to make use of these spaces. Guest coupon codes are valid in all Short-Term spaces, Official Guests of the University Spaces located in South Turnaround adjacent to E8, all lots designated as General Parking, and Pyramid Parking Structure, Palo Verde South Parking Structure, and Palo Verde North Parking Structure, unless the space is otherwise restricted with posted signage.
- Clinic parking - located in E6 and the South Turnaround.
- LifeFit Permit - located in the south end of E4.
- H Permit - located on the west side of Parkside Residence Halls.
- A Permit - located in E2.
- D Permit - located in E6, E7 and E9.
- State Vehicles - provided within various parking lots and street parking locations where state vehicle access is required.