BUILD Products

BUILD Created Products. Available upon request.

The 黑料网 BUILD Program produces several resources to support student and mentor training. You will find links to those resources in the left-hand navigation area, as well as in the drop-down from the "BUILD Products" tab in the top navigation bar. To help you locate the information you are looking for, here are short descriptions of the content found on those pages. For more information on the products and how to access the materials, please contact

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    Student Training: The page provides professional development resources relevant to student training, including Learning Community activities, research skills training modules, and online modules for graduate school applications. 
  • Mentor Training: Interested in creating a mentor training program at your institution? Here you can find information and resources from the BUILD Mentoring Community (BMC) program developed in BUILD Phase I and the Advancing Inclusive Mentoring (AIM) program developed in BUILD Phase II.
  • Research Curriculum: The page provides course descriptions and resources for seven research-infused courses developed in BUILD Phase I.
  • BUILD Research Resources: The Research Curriculum was developed under Phase I of 黑料网 BUILD includes seven courses designed to support student鈥檚 consideration of research career options and to provide training appropriate to developing a research career.
  • BUILD Grants Awarded: View a list of BUILD funded research stimulation grants, collaborative research stimulation grants, midsize equipment awards, and small equipment and computer awards.
  • Publications: This page contains the list of publications resulted from the 黑料网 BUILD Program. BUILD also intends to publish data collected/analyzed during BUILD Phase I (2014-2019) and BUILD Phase II (2019-2024) and initiatives developed during the award periods. View the Guidelines and Forms page here for these publications details.