Master of Arts in Dance

The deadline to apply has been extended to January 15, 2025. ºÚÁÏÍø Dance is currently accepting applications and supplemental admissions material for a new cohort to start in the summer of 2025.

Please click on the below accordions for program and application process information. Contact information is at the bottom of the page.

ºÚÁÏÍø Dance houses the only low-residency Master of Arts in Dance degree in California that is designed specifically to serve dance educators.

The MA in Dance is a 31-unit practice-oriented degree created to serve dance educators working primarily in secondary and community college settings. The M.A. functions as a form of continuing education and professional development for credentialed teachers. Because M.A. candidates are employed during the academic year, this low-residency program is designed to be completed during summer sessions and via distance learning experiences. For additional information, please visit the .  

This degree elevates an undergraduate teaching credential to graduate status, usually commanding a pay increase for dance educators. Cohort sizes range between 13 and 20 students.

The MA in Dance is run as a Special Sessions Program through the University's College of Continuing and Professional Education. The MA program of study consists of three intensive summer sessions of 9-12 units of coursework and the successful completion of comprehensive exams taken during and immediately following the third summer. The MA in Dance offers both studio and theory courses; it is designed to broaden and deepen dance knowledge and skills, including hands-on experience in dance concert production. All courses are designed to introduce new concepts and trigger deeper thought and analysis in the field of dance. All courses in the MA degree are at the graduate level and are offered only to graduate students.

Candidates must meet the following criteria for entrance into the MA in Dance:

  1. Baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution with a degree in dance or a related field with a GPA of 2.5 or above;
  2. Required Prerequisite Courses:
    • two courses in dance composition;
    • one course in dance history;
    • one course in anatomy/kinesiology (must be taken in the past five years);
  3. Minimum of 3 years experience teaching dance in a high school with a secondary teaching credential, or a minimum of 3 years part-time or full-time experience teaching dance in a community college (exceptions will be considered for extensive part-time employment teaching dance in a high school, or  an exemplary employment history of teaching dance in other venues);
  4. Audition and Interview on February 8, 2025.

Submit your university application and supporting documents by the extended deadline January 15, 2025.

Admission will be granted to students who show high promise of success in graduate study based on past academic records and records of teaching experience.

Admission to the MA in Dance at ºÚÁÏÍø Dance is a two-part process. The Department accepts a new cohort into the program every three years. Application to the MA in Dance does not require GRE scores.

Application Procedures

Step One: Application to the University and MA Program

Applicants must apply to the University and MA Program by completing the application process detailed below.

  • Complete and submit a ºÚÁÏÍø graduate/post-baccalaureate application (requires an application fee) via 
    • Please apply for Fall 2025.
    • You will find the program listed under "Long Beach Extension".
  • Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution with a degree in dance or a related field with a GPA of 2.5 or above;
  • Send an official copy of the college/university transcript where the undergraduate/Baccalaureate degree was conferred to University Enrollment Services.
  • Supplemental materials required as part of the University Application â€“ all materials must be uploaded in order to submit the application.
    • All required materials must be uploaded in order to submit the application. One file (.PDF) per required element. Submission of Unofficial Transcripts is optional (see guidelines below) and may be submitted as separate files or combined into one .pdf file. The maximum file size is 15MB.
      1. Curriculum vitae – please include employment, education, dance training, performance, and choreography with clear indication of relevant dates. (Required)
      2. A 1-2 page choreography statement (11 or 12pt font) – please provide the following information: URL hyperlinks to videos of two recently produced dances choreographed by you and set on your students that show different aspects of your artistic work and choreographic knowledge and a concise statement of each work’s intent and compositional process. No more than 30 minutes of content. Videos should be posted on Vimeo (if set to private, include the password) or YouTube (set to unlisted). (Required)
      3. Two-page Personal Statement (11 or 12-point font, double-spaced) – please address how this graduate program will help fulfill your professional goals. (Required)
      4. Three Letters of Recommendation (.PDF) – one must be from a current supervisor or colleague, to be submitted directly by the recommender. Please enter your recommenders’ names and contact information. Once your application is submitted, CalState Apply will contact the individuals listed as references in your application for admission with a request to submit a confidential letter of recommendation on your behalf. Recommenders should speak to your teaching experience, dance composition and academic skills, and/or preparation for success in graduate studies. Please let your recommenders know they should be receiving an email and to check their spam/junk mail folders if they do not see it in their inbox. (Required)
  • Unofficial transcripts – if dance courses were taken at more than one college/university or if they do not appear on the transcript from the institution granting the Baccalaureate degree, please upload any Unofficial transcripts that contain dance coursework. (Optional – these can be compiled into one .PDF or submitted as separate files.)

Step Two: Live Audition and Personal Interview

Candidates who have fulfilled prerequisites and successfully submitted a CalState Apply University Application will be asked to participate in a movement audition and personal interview at the ºÚÁÏÍø Department of Dance.  Invitations and instructions will be sent out via email in late January, 2025.  

The audition will include a blended-genre dance technique and improvisation class.  

The audition and interviews will be held in February 8, 2025. Please plan on being with us for the day (9:30 am to 5 pm approximately).

Acceptance to the MA in Dance 

After submitting all application materials, those who pass the admissions review are recommended by the faculty to be admitted as either Classified or Conditionally Classified. A Classified Graduate has satisfied all prerequisites. A Conditionally Classified Graduate has outstanding prerequisites to complete. Acceptance is not complete until the applicant has received: 1) notification of acceptance from ºÚÁÏÍø Dance and 2) a formal letter of acceptance from the ºÚÁÏÍø Office of Enrollment Services.

For more information please contact the Department of Dance and MA Advisor Colleen Dunagan at