Protections & Conservation

Restrictive Covenant

A restrictive covenant for this land was established in Fall 2021 to protect Puvungna in perpetuity. 

Construction of new structures or parking lots, storage of materials or equipment, and operation of recreational vehicles or heavy machinery are among the activities prohibited on the site. 

Use by Native American tribes and affiliated interest groups, land maintenance (e.g., trash removal), and access to utilities are among the activities that remain permitted by the covenant. 

The Declaration of Restrictive Covenant recorded on November 12, 2021 is available for review in its entirety, which includes detailed information about both prohibited and permitted use of the land.

Proposed Conservation Easement

The university is now seeking proposals from prospective conservation easement managers as a future protective measure for Puvungna. 

This manager organization will oversee the parcel in perpetuity, with land-maintenance operations funded through the investment income of an endowment, also managed by the selected organization. 

Prospective grantees must have demonstrated experience and success managing a tribal resource, and must be independent and free from conflicts of interest or biases.  

The grantee must comply with all applicable federal and state laws and requirements for acquiring and holding conservation easements, including without limitation California Civil Code section 815.3.  

This code authorizes the following types of entities to hold conservation easements: 

  1. A tax-exempt nonprofit organization qualified under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and qualified to do business in this state which has as its primary purpose the preservation, protection, or enhancement of land in its natural, scenic, historical, agricultural, forested, or open-space condition or use. 
  2. The state or any city, county, city and county, district, or other state or local governmental entity, if otherwise authorized to acquire and hold title to real property and if the conservation easement is voluntarily conveyed. No local governmental entity may condition the issuance of an entitlement for use on the applicant's granting of a conservation easement pursuant to this chapter.  
  3. A federally recognized California Native American tribe or a non-federally recognized California Native American tribe that is on the contact list maintained by the Native American Heritage Commission to protect a California Native American prehistoric, archaeological, cultural, spiritual, or ceremonial place, if the conservation easement is voluntarily conveyed. 

Expressions of interest may be made to Thalia Gomez, director of tribal relations.