Long Beach GEAR UP

GEAR UP (Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs) was established in the 1998 amendment to the , which awarded financial assistance to students and colleges from the federal government.  GEAR UP is federal grant program designed to increase the number of low-income middle and high school students who are prepared to enter and succeed in postsecondary education. 

Long Beach GEAR UP, working under the U.S. Department of Education, provides students in the Norwalk La Mirada Unified School district the support, services, and interventions needed to earn a high school diploma and enroll into college.  

Our Vision & Mission

VISION:  Transforming communities, developing leaders, and inspiring life-long learning for all.

MISSION: Long Beach GEAR UP  works to increase high school graduation and college enrollment rates for the classes of 2027 and 2028 in the Norwalk La Mirada community. Our team collaborates with students, families, and school staff, to provide holistic educational services that promote academic excellence, career fulfillment, and personal growth. 

VALUES:  We center our work on values of Growth, Purpose, Community, and Trust

GEAR UP Goals & Outcomes

GEAR UP seeks to accomplish the following goals: 

  • Increase academic performance and preparation for postsecondary education 
  • Increase the rate of high school graduation and participation in postsecondary education
  • Increase educational expectations and increase student and family knowledge of postsecondary education options, preparation, and financing.

Our Impact

  • 1650+ Students Served
  • 350+ Parents Served
  • 93% Participation Rate
  • 8000+ hours of services delivered to students and parents
  • 140 hours of Summer Enrichment programming
  • Read more about how GEAR UP shapes students' educational aspirations and expectations.

For more information visit the .

*Long Beach GEAR UP is a 7-year grant, funded through the U.S. Department of Education.