General Education Governing Committee (GEGC)

California State University, Long Beach Policy Statement 22-22

October 11, 2022



Revised and approved by Academic Senate 09-29-22 Approved by the President 10-3-22



The General Education Governing Committee (GEGC) has primary oversight of the General Education (GE) program. The committee’s main responsibility is the approval of individual courses for GE certification. However, the ultimate responsibility for approval of GE courses and the creation and revision of GE policy lies with Curriculum and Educational Policies Council (CEPC), to whom GEGC reports.


GEGC shall:

  1. Develop criteria for review of courses that are consistent with the intent of GE at ºÚÁÏÍø and with the standards for skills and content delineated in the campus GE Policy, Executive Order 1100, Executive Order 1110, and Title 5;
  2. Review courses for inclusion on the GE Master Course List and notify departments of all decisions and actions;
  3. Collaborate with the General Education Evaluation Committee (GEEC) regarding guidelines and activities for the assessment of course-level and program-level outcomes;
  4. Make recommendations to GEEC on issues pertaining to GE assessment;
  5. Make recommendations to CEPC regarding policy issues or to the appropriate administrator(s) regarding implementation issues; and
  6. Submit an annual report of committee activities to CEPC.



The membership of GEGC shall consist of:

  1. Two tenure/tenure-track or lecturer faculty members from each college except Liberal Arts
  2. Four tenure/tenure-track or lecturer faculty members from the College of Liberal Arts
  3. Two tenure/tenure-track or lecturer Library faculty members from the University Library
  4. The Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs or designee
  5. The General Education Coordinator
  6. The Director of the University Center for Undergraduate Advising (UCUA), or designee
  7. The President of the Associated Students, Inc., or designee, and
  8. One member of the Curriculum and Educational Policies Council, selected by the Council, who should also be a member of GEGC if possible; if an individual with dual membership is not available, the Council member becomes a non-voting member of GEGC.

Faculty members shall serve staggered, three-year terms to ensure continuity. Members may serve consecutive terms. GEGC may create subcommittees and ad hoc committees it deems necessary to fulfill its charge.

Elected Officers

Near the end of the spring semester, GEGC shall elect for the following year a chair, vice-chair, and secretary from among its voting members.

The chair shall be responsible for planning, scheduling, setting the agenda, and presiding over GEGC and Steering Committee meetings, and for transmitting items to other committees and councils (CEPC, for example), as appropriate. The chair shall write an annual report detailing the actions of the committee to the chair of CEPC, due at the end of the spring semester.

The vice-chair shall serve as chair in the absence of the chair. The secretary shall keep minutes of the meetings.

Steering Committee

GEGC shall establish a Steering Committee composed of the three elected officers of the Committee, the General Education Coordinator, and the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs (or designee). The Steering Committee may appoint subcommittees and ad hoc committees it deems necessary to fulfill its charge.


Effective: Fall 2023