GE for Faculty

GE Course Development and Approval


Determine the GE Area for which you would like to develop your course. The GE course content requirements must be reflected in both the course justification section and the course outline of subject matter. All GE courses are required to address appropriate GE course criteria for each Area being requested, address all GE policy requirements, and also integrate the Senate-approved GELOs in their proposals.

All GE Certification must use the GE Form and ensure that all General Education Criteria are followed, as well as include outcomes linked to the Area content.

Dean’s Office emails the GE Coordinator and the chair of GEGC a signed copy of GE Form after department and college reviews. (See below for more details.)

If the class you're submitting is part of a cluster of classes to satisfy a specific GE requirement (for example, three 1-unit classes that students must take to add up to the 3 required units of a certain GE Area), you must submit documentation on all classes at the same time for GEGC review. If the other class(es) has(ve) already been approved for GE previously, you may simply submit the previously submitted form(s), unchanged


Concerning Writing Intensive (WI) classes, following a memo issued by the Academic Senatethe Graduate Writing Assessment Requirement Committee (GWARC) will be in charge of certification of new WI classes. Please contact GWARC, then, for further questions on WI certification.

After obtaining approval and signatures from the Department and College, the Dean’s Office will forward an electronic copy of your complete, signed GE Form to Once received, GEGC will evaluate courses for inclusion into the GE program. 

To be considered for discussion in a meeting, submissions should be received no later than 14 days before the date of a meeting. Once received, submissions will be put in the queue for evaluation and added to an agenda as soon as possible.

GEGC follows university-established curriculum deadlines for certification of GE classes.

Submission DeadlineCourses will be approved for GE
October 14, 2024 (Second Monday of October) Fall 2025
March 25, 2025 (Fourth Monday of March)Spring 2026

Because meeting times are limited, GEGC will review as many submissions as possible, but it may not have time to review all submissions, if many are received last minute. Colleges are advised, then, to forward each submission as soon as it is approved by the college (after departmental approval), and not aggregate submissions.

Please note GE certification is not retroactive. 

For Assistance

If you need assistance completing these forms, please contact your GEGC representatives.

If you need assistance developing or implementing a GE course please contact Danny Paskin.

GE Course Decertification

  • To have a course decertified, you must submit: