Bachelor of Science in Health Care Administration

Housed in the College of Health and Human Services (CHHS) at California State Univeristy Long Beach (ºÚÁÏÍø) and graduated its first cohort in 1988, the undergraduate Health Care Administration (BS-HCA) program has been a full certified member of the Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA) since 1996. Such certification demonstrates program excellence through a process of external peer review in which programs are examined to determine the quality of the curriculum, infrastructure, and outcomes. 

The Bachelor of Science in Health Care Administration (BS-HCA) curriculum consists of 120 units of course work. The undergraduate program admits freshmen and transfer students with a significant number of community college credits. Interested students must first apply to the ºÚÁÏÍø for admission and are encouraged to contact the CHHS advisors for advising before enrolling in courses.


  • All students must complete a minimum of 13-14 semester units or the equivalent in prerequisite preparatory course for the major: ACCT 201, ECON 101 or ECON 300, HDEV 190 or SOC 170 or PSY 110 or STAT 108.
  • Computer proficiency in word processing, spreadsheet, database and presentation software is expected. 
  • An overall grade point average of 2.5 or higher is required for entrance into the program. A minimum grade of "C" is required for each prerequisite course.

  1. Complete the requirements for General Education. (Please consult the CHHS Advising Center at HSD-117 or call 562.985.2691)
  2. Complete the prerequisite courses.
  3. Complete the major core course requirements:
    • HCA 327: Medical Billing & Coding (3)
      • Prerequisite: None
    • HCA 300: The Health Care System (3)
      • Prerequisite: None.
    • HCA 312: Health Personnel Management (3) 
      • Prerequisite: Open to Health Care Administration majors only.
      • Prerequisite/Corequisite: HCA 300.
    • HCA 340: Legal Aspects of Health Administration (3)
      • Prerequisite: Open to Health Care Administration majors only.
      • Prerequisite/Corequisite: HCA 300.
    • HCA 341: Financial Management of Health Care Institutions (3).
      • Prerequisites: Open to Health Care Administration majors only and a grade of "C" or better in ACCT 201. 
      • Prerequisite/Corequisite: HCA 300.
    • HCA 353: Marketing for Health Services Organizations (3)
      • Prerequisites: Open to Health Care Administration majors only and a grade of "C" or better in ECON 101 or ECON 300.
      • Prerequisite/Corequisite: HCA 300.
    • HCA 410: Health Management and Organization (3)
      • Prerequisite: Open to Health Care Administration majors only.
      • Prerequisite/Corequisite: HCA 300.
    • HCA 416: Management and Information Systems (3)
      • Prerequisite/Corequisite: HCA 300.
    • HCA 428: Pop. Health Mgmt. for Health Care Administrators (3) 
      • Prerequisites: Open to Health Care Administration majors only, upper division standing, or instructor consent.
      • Prerequisite/Corequisite: HCA 300
    • HCA 450: Quality Assurance in Health Care (3)
      • Prerequisites: Open to Health Care Administration majors only and a grade of "C" or better in HCA 300.
    • HCA 465: Analysis and Evaluation of Health Care Services (3)
      • Prerequisites: Open to Health Care Administration majors only and a grade of "C" or better in PSY 110 or SOC 170 or STAT 108 or equivalent.
    • HCA 468: Principles of Risk Management and Patient Safety (3)
      • Prerequisites: Open to HCA majors only. A grade of "C" or better in HCA 340, HCA 341 and HCA 450.
    • HCA 480: Internship in Health Care Administration (3) 
      • Prerequisites: Senior status only. Open to Health Care Administration majors only and a grade of "C" or better in HCA 300, HCA 312, HCA 327, HCA 341, HCA 410, HCA 416, and HCA 465.
    • HCA 481: Internship and Career Development in HCA (3)
      • Prerequisites: Open to Health Care Administration majors only and a grade of "C" or better in HCA 480.
  4. Upper Division (required elective courses). A minimum of 9 additional units from the following:
    • HCA 320: Operations Management in Health Administration (3)
      • Prerequisites: A grade of "C" or better in PSY 110 or SOC 170 or equivalent. 
      • Prerequisite/Corequisite: HCA 300.
    • HCA 417: Technology, Ethics, and Society (3) 
      • Prerequisites: GE Foundation requirements, upper division standing, ENGL 100 or GE Composition (Area A1).
    • HCA 422: Global Issues in Health Services (3)
      • Prerequisites: GE Foundation, one or more Exploration courses and upper division standing.
    • HCA 432: Leadership in Health Care (3)
      • Prerequisites: HCA 300, HCA 312, and HCA 410
    • HCA 438: Perspectives on Long-Term Care Across the Lifespan (3)
      • Prerequisites: Health Care Administration majors only; HCA 300
    • HCA 451: Economics of Health (3) (Same as ECON 445.)
      • Prerequisites: A grade of "C" or better in ECON 101 or ECON 300.
    • HCA 452: Medical Group Practice Management (3)
      • Prerequisites: Health Care Administration majors only; undergraduate students HCA 300 and HCA 341; graduate students HCA 502.
    • HCA 457: Working Around the World (3)
      • Prerequisites: GE Foundation requirements, one or more Exploration courses, upper division standing.
    • HCA 470: Latinas/Latinos: Health Status and Health Care Access (3) (Same as CHLS470.)
      • Prerequisites: GE Foundation, one or more Exploration courses, upper division standing.
  5. Complete electives as needed to total 120-semester units.
  6. Fulfill the Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement (GWAR).
  7. Each major course must be completed with a grade of "C" or better. A course in which a grade lower than "C" is received must be retaken and successfully completed prior to enrolling in any course for which it is a prerequisite. A student receiving a grade lower than a "C" may proceed with other courses for which it is not a prerequisite with the approval of the Undergraduate Advisor.

HCA Courses (Lower-Division)

  • HCA 202: Introduction to Health Care in America (3)
    • Prerequisites: GE Foundation requirements.

Note: This course is not required to graduate

HCA 480 Internship in Health Care Administration and HCA 481 Internship and Career in Health Care Administration are required courses for undergraduate HCA majors.  These courses are usually taken in the last 2 semesters of the students’ academic career.  The classes cannot be taken in the same semester. 

The internship class is designed to give students work experience in a health care organization under the direct supervision of a preceptor.  During the semester students will attend class meetings and complete 120 hours of internship.  Class meetings allow students the opportunity to learn about career development planning, resume writing, interview skills and networking. 


Common Internship Questions:

  1. Do I need to have an intern site before I declare HCA as a major? 

No. An orientation will be offered in the semester prior to your enrollment in 480.

  1. I already have an internship site.  Can I use it for my internship class? 

After students enroll in HCA 480, students must contact their instructor a few weeks before the semester starts and let the instructor know that they have secured an internship site. 

  1. Can I start my hours before internship class starts? 

No, in order to begin internship hours the following must occur:

    1. Students must be enrolled in HCA 480.
    2. An affiliation agreement must be in place with the organization and the school
    3. The first day of the semester has occurred.
  2. I haven’t finished my pre-requisite courses.  Can I take HCA 480?  

No, students must complete the pre-requisite courses before taking HCA 480.

  1. Can I take HCA 480 and HCA 481 together? 

No, the classes are designed to be taken in separate semesters, preferably back to back semesters.

  1. Do I need a new intern site for HCA 481?

No, it is suggested that students continue their internship at the same site where the internship for HCA 480 occurred.

  1. I have a full time job; can I still do an internship? 

Yes, but you must be available to complete your internship hours within the semester you are enrolled in the internship class. 

  1. What semester is the internship class offered? 

HCA 480 and HCA 481 are offered in the Fall, Spring and Summer semesters.

  1. I am a transfer student and was not enrolled for last semester's orientation. Where can I learn more about next semester's internship course?

The internship orientation is recorded and available to students to view prior to the semester starting. This is required of all students before starting HCA 480, 481, and 580. All updates, requirements, and some available opportunities are shared in the orientation. Be sure to check your Beachboard or Canvas course newsfeed for the link or contact your instructor for the most recent recording.