B.S. in Kinesiology, Option in Exercise Science

Exercise science centers on the effects of training and physical activity on the human body. Students will study the physiology, biomechanics, and motor control of exercise and how training can improve human function including health, disease, and performance. This option prepares students for careers in human movement and allied health fields as well as those interested in graduate work in these areas or those pursuing training in medicine and other healthcare professions.

The degree consists of 120 semester units, with required core courses and optional electives. Students are able to select electives from a list of available courses to suit their desired career path. This degree option provides hands-on practical experience through lab-based courses and internship/research opportunities.



Potential jobs for Exercise Science majors include:

  • Strength and conditioning coach
  • Exercise physiologist
  • Clinical exercise physiologist
  • Certified personal trainer
  • Sports coach
  • Ergonomist
  • Cardiac rehabilitation
  • Corporate wellness

This degree also successfully prepares students for applying to graduate programs in the fields of:

  • Physical therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Medical school
  • Physician’s assistant
  • Exercise physiology
  • Biomechanics
  • Motor control/learning
  • Integrative physiology
  • Athletic Training


Take all of the following courses:

  • KIN 201: Introduction to Kinesiology (3) 
    • Prerequisites: open to KIN and Pre-KIN majors 
  • KIN 300: Biomechanics of Human Movement (3) 
    • Prerequisites: a 'C' or better in BIOL 208 corequisite: KIN 201 
  • KIN 301: Exercise Physiology (3) 
    • Prerequisites: a 'C' or better in BIOL 207 corequisite: KIN 201 
  • KIN 312: Motor Control & Learning (3)
    • Prerequisites: a 'C' or better in all of the following: BIOL 207, 208; PSY 100 corequisite: KIN 201 
  • KIN 332: Sociocultural Dimensions of Sport & Human Movement (3) 
    • Prerequisites: GE foundations; junior standing; completion of GWAR; open to Pre-KIN majors; corequisite: KIN 201 

Lower Division

Take all of the following courses:

  • BIOL 207: Human Physiology (4) 
    • Prerequisites: GE foundations 
  • BIOL 208: Human Anatomy (4) 
    • Prerequisites: A 'C' or better in one of the following: ART 372, BIOL 201, BIOL 205, BIOL 207, BIOL 212, BIOL 311, CHEM 140, or DANC 261 
  • CHEM 111A: General Chemistry (5) 
    • Prerequisites: Passing score on Chemistry Placement Exam; either a 'C' or better in MATH 112A, or MATH 112B or higher (may be taken concurrently) 
  • CHEM 111B: General Chemistry (5) 
    • Prerequisites: a 'C' or better in CHEM 111A and in MATH 112B or higher
  • KIN 263: Techniques of Physical Fitness (2) 
    • Prerequisites: open to Pre-KIN majors 
  • PHYS 100A: General Physics (4) 
    • Prerequisites: MATH 109 or 111 or 112A or 113 or 119A or 122 
  • PHYS 100B: General Physics (4) 
    • Prerequisites: PHYS 100A or PHYS 151; MATH 109 or 111 or 112A or 113 or 119A or 122 
  • PSY 100: General Psychology (3) 
    • Prerequisites: GE composition ready 

Take one of the following options:

  • MATH 113 (or higher): Precalculus Algebra (3)
    • 113: appropriate math placement 
  • Or MATH 112A: Essential Algebra A (3)
    • 112A: appropriate math placement 
  • And  MATH 112B: Essential Algebra B (3)
    • 112B: a 'C' or better in MATH 112A 

Upper Division

Take all of the following courses:

  • KIN 405: Cardiopulmonary Aspects of Health-Related Exercise Programs (4)
    • Prerequisites: KIN 301; KIN 210 or current First Aid/CPR certificates
  • KIN 430: Motor Control Principles & Theory (3) 
    • Prerequisites: KIN 312 

Take one of the following courses:

  • KIN 431: Scientific Foundations of Locomotion (3)
    • Prerequisites: KIN 300, 312
  •  KIN 441: Applied Biomechanics: Lifting & Work Capacity (3)
    • Prerequisites: KIN 300 
  • KIN 442: Biomechanics Laboratory Practicum (3)
    • Prerequisites: a 'C' or better in KIN 300 

Take one of the following courses:

  • BIOL 260: Biostatistics (3)
    • Prerequisites: BIOL 201 or BIOL 207 or 211 or MICR 200; a 'C' or better in MATH 111 or 113 or 119A or 122 
  • KIN 483: Statistics in Human Movement Science (3)
    • Prerequisites: KIN 300, 301, 312

Take three of the following courses:

  • KIN 339: Psychology of Sport Behavior & Athletic Performance (3)
    • Prerequisites: PSY 100; GE foundations; junior standing; open to PreKIN majors 
  • KIN 432: Applied Motor Learning (3)
    • Prerequisites: KIN 300, 312 
  • KIN 462: Advanced Strength & Conditioning (3)
    • Prerequisites: KIN 300, 301 
  • KIN 465: Clinical Exercise Electrocardiography (3)
    • Prerequisites: none
  • KIN 466: Biochemical & Hormonal Adaptations to Physical Activity (3)
    • Prerequisites: KIN 301; CHEM 111A 

Complete 12 units from the following elective courses, with at least 3 units from KIN: 

  • BIOL 200: General Biology (4)
  • BIOL 201: General Microbiology for Health Professionals (4)
  • BIOL 211: Introduction to Evolution & Diversity (4)
  • BIOL 212: Introduction to Cell & Molecular Biology (4)
  • BIOL 213: Introduction Ecology & Physiology (4)
  • BIOL 301: Biology of Human Aging (3)
  • BIOL 311: General Microbiology (4)
  • BIOL 340: Molecular Cell Biology (3)
  • CHEM 227: Fundamentals Organic Chemistry (3)
  • CHEM 448: Fundamentals of Biological Chemistry (3)
  • GERN/NUTR 439: Nutrition & Aging (3)
  • HSC 150: Medical Terminology (1)
  • KIN 302: Structural Kinesiology (3)
  • KIN 315: Motor Development (3)
  • KIN 320: Adapted Physical Education (3)
  • KIN 339: Psychology of Sport Behavior & Athletic Performance* (3)
  • KIN 367: Fitness & the Aging Process (3)
  • KIN 431: Scientific Foundations of Locomotion* (3)
  • KIN 432: Applied Motor Learning* (3)
  • KIN 441: Applied Biomechanics: Lifting & Work Capacity* (3)
  • KIN 442: Biomechanics Laboratory Practicum* (3)
  • KIN 462: Advanced Strength & Conditioning* (3)
  • KIN 463: Kinesiology Exercise Physiology Laboratory Practicum (3)
  • KIN 465: Clinical Exercise Electrocardiography* (3)
  • KIN 466: Biochemical & Hormonal Adaptations to Physical Activity* (3)
  • KIN 488A: Fundamentals in Sport Training & Research (3)
  • KIN 488B: Advanced Sport Training & Research (3)
  • KIN 494: Exercise Science Internship (3)
  • KIN 495: Supervised Laboratory Methods (1-3)
  • KIN 497: Independent Study (1-3) â–¡ NUTR 132: Introductory Nutrition (3)
  • NUTR 331: Nutrition through the Life Cycle (3)
  • PSY 327: Introduction to Human Factors (3)
  • PSY 370: Abnormal Psychology (3)

*If not taken as one of the major required upper-division courses.

Fieldwork, field experience or internship course requires current certification in First Aid (American Red Cross: Community First Aid & Safety or Emergency Response or Workplace Training: Standard First Aid or equivalent) and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (American Red Cross: Adult CPR or Adult, Infant & Child CPR or CPR for the Professional Rescuer; American Heart Association: Adult CPR or Adult, Infant & Child CPR or ACLS Provider or equivalent) prior to enrollment.

Projected Schedule of Exercise Science Courses (PDF)

Additional Information

Students enrolling in physical education activity courses assume responsibility for satisfactory health status appropriate to the class activity.

In addition to the degree requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology, the Major must meet the following Department policies and requirements for University graduation:

  1. Each major course and prerequisite course must be completed with a grade of "C" or better. A course in which a grade lower than a "C" is received must be retaken and successfully completed prior to enrolling in any course for which it is a prerequisite;
  2. Upper-division courses may not be waived by substitution or examination without Department petition and approval


Q: What is the Exercise Science Option?

A: The Exercise Science Option is for undergraduate students who are interested in the scientific aspects of physical activity and sport. The Option was designed to meet most of the required prerequisites for students interested in pursuing careers in Exercise Science as well as the allied-health sciences, such as Physical Therapy.

Q: What types of job opportunities are there for individuals who have an undergraduate degree in Exercise Science?

A: There are a number of job opportunities for individuals with degrees in Exercise Science aside from pursuing careers in Physical Therapy or other allied health sciences. These include, but are not limited, to such jobs as:

Exercise Specialist ­ a position that involves developing and supervising exercise programs for healthy and diseased populations (e.g. cardiac rehabilitation patients).

Exercise Test Technologist ­ a position that involves exercise testing patients in a clinical setting.

Exercise Physiologist ­ a position that involves health and fitness programming as well as exercise testing for either healthy or diseased populations.

Fitness Manager ­ a position that involves overseeing the development and implementation of fitness programs for healthy populations and includes supervision of daily activities and staff.

Personal Trainer ­ a position that specializes in developing and implementing training programs in a one-on-one activity setting.

For more information regarding jobs and careers contact the or the .

Q: What are examples of community college equivalent courses for the ºÚÁÏÍø anatomy, physiology, chemistry and physics requirements in the Exercise Science Option?

A: To see examples of these courses from several local community colleges, please click

Q: I am interested in applying to the PT program at ºÚÁÏÍø, which option is best for me to fulfill the prerequisites for entry into the program?

A: Physical Therapy requires 64 units of prerequisites that must be completed for entry into the program. With appropriate course selection, the Exercise Science Option will fulfill 40 units of those prerequisites.