
Internships are an important part of students’ experiential learning that helps build the necessary skills for a professional career. On this page you will find resources that will help you navigate what an internship is, resources to find internships, internship events, and scholarships for students completing internships.

Three students using computers

An internship is a form of experiential learning that offers meaningful experience in a professional setting related to a student’s field of study or career interest.

Benefits of an Internship

  • Network with professionals in fields that interest you
  • Gain relevant work experience
  • Receive training that builds on knowledge learned in the classroom
  • Develop skills that are highly valued in the workplace
  • Acquire supervised practical experience in a professional field
  • Build relationships and find a mentor

Types of Internships

  • Part-time or full-time
  • Paid or unpaid
  • Semester or year-long
  • In-person or remote

National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) Internship Standards

  1. The experience must be an extension of the classroom
  2. The skills or knowledge learned must be transferable to other employment settings
  3. The experience has a defined start and end date, job description, and list of desired qualifications
  4. There are clearly defined learning objectives
  5. There is supervision by a professional with expertise, education and/or professional background in the field
  6. There is routine feedback from the supervisor
  7. There are resources, equipment, and facilities provided by the employer that support the learning objectives

For more information on internship standards, review the .

Unpaid internships can provide students with meaningful professional experience, but not all unpaid internships are created equal. includes seven criteria for evaluating unpaid internships under the Fair Labor Standards Act and is helpful to review when considering if you will engage in an unpaid internship. Important components of unpaid internships include receiving training similar to what would be given in an educational environment and the opportunity to receive academic credit for your work during your internship.

How to Earn Academic Credit

You may be able to earn academic credit for completing an internship, and if your internship is unpaid, your employer may even require it. Learn more about Academic Internships through the that provides more information for students seeking academic credit.

Department Internship Classes

Many campus departments offer their own internship class. Contact the major advisor in your academic department to discuss possible internship courses or directed study options. Below is a partial list of ºÚÁÏÍø internship classes.

College of the Arts
  • ART 441 - Ceramic Arts Internship
  • ART 442 - Internship in Graphic Design
  • ART 693 - Graduate Teaching Internship
  • DANC 693 - Graduate Teaching Internship
  • DESN 442G - Internship in Industrial Design
  • DESN 442H - Internship in Interior Design
  • DESN 442J - Internship in Design
  • DESN 592 - Graduate Internship – HX design
  • FEA 492 - Internship - Media
  • THEA 505 - Graduate Theatre Management Internship
College of Business
  • ACCT 493 - Accounting Internships
  • CBA 493 - Business Internship
College of Education
  • EDEL 572A - Multiple Subject Internship
  • EDEL 572B - Multiple Subject Internship
  • EDP 492 - Internships in the Human Services
College of Engineering
  • ENGR 492B - Internship in Engineering
College of Health and Human Services
  • CAFF 492C - Internship in Consumer Affairs
  • CDFS 492A - Internship in Child Development and Family Studies
  • CDFS 492B - Internship in Family Life Education
  • CRJU 492 - Internship – Criminal Justice
  • CRJU 493 - Internship – Criminal Justice
  • CRJU 692 - Graduate Internship – Criminal Justice
  • CRJU 693 - Graduate Internship – Criminal Justice
  • FMD 492 - Internship in Fashion Merchandising and Design
  • FSCI 492F - Internship in Food Science
  • GERN 492G - Internship in Gerontology
  • GERN 592 - Graduate Internship in Family and Consumer Sciences/Gerontology
  • HCA 480 - Internship in Health Care Administration
  • HCA 481 - Internship and Career Development in Health Care Administration
  • HCA 580 - Graduate Internship in Health Care Administration
  • HHS 592A - Graduate Internship in Latino Nutrition and Health Promotion
  • HM 492J - Internship in Hospitality Management
  • HSC 485 - Internship in Community Health Education
  • HSC 585 - Graduate Health Education Internship
  • KIN 494 - Exercise Science Internship
  • KIN 592A - Graduate Sports Management Internship
  • KIN 593A - Graduate Coaching Internship
  • KIN 593B - Graduate Coaching Internship
  • KIN 594 - Graduate Exercise Science Internship
  • NUTR 492K - Internship in Nutrition and Dietetics
  • NUTR 591A - Graduate Professional Practicum in Dietetics
  • PPA 585 - Graduate Public Policy and Administration Internship
  • REC 498 - Internship in Leisure Services
  • SLP 670 - Graduate Clinical Internship in Speech-Language Pathology
College of Liberal Arts
  • AH 542 - Graduate Internship in Museum Studies
  • AH 693 - Graduate Teaching Internship
  • ANTH 496 - Internship - Anthropology
  • C/LA 492 - Liberal Arts Internship
  • COMM 492A - Internship
  • COMM 492B - Internship
  • COMM 495 - Service Learning Internship
  • CWL 492 - Internship Program – Literature
  • ENGL 492A - Internship Technical ‑ Professional Writing and Editing
  • ENGL 492B - Internship Technical ‑ Professional Writing and Editing
  • ES P 492 - Applied Internship – Environmental Science, Policy and Geography
  • GEOG 492 - Applied Internship
  • HIST 494 - Practicum in History
  • I/ST 491 - Intercultural Competency for Education Abroad and Internships
  • I/ST 492 - International Studies Internship/Foreign Study
  • JOUR 498 - Internship
  • PHIL 489 - Philosophy Internship/Pre-Law
  • POSC 418 - Legal/Judicial Apprenticeship
  • POSC 447 - Public Service Internship I
  • POSC 448 - Public Service Internship II
  • POSC 496 - Washington Center Internship
  • POSC 695 - Graduate College Teaching Practicum
  • PSY 405 - Internship in Psychology
  • SOC 495 - Internship - Sociology
  • SOC 695 - Graduate Internship - Sociology
  • WGSS 496 - Internship – Women’s Issues
College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
  • BIOL 492A - Stem Cell Research Internship
  • BIOL 494 - Undergraduate Internship in Biological Sciences
  • BIOL 592A - Stem Cell Research Internship
  • NSCI 190B - Experience Success Program - 2
  • NSCI 492 - Internships in Natural Science
  • PHYS 692 - Graduate Professional Physics Internship

International students who wish to complete an internship must apply for Curricular Practical Training (CPT) through the Office of International Students and Scholars (ISS). All international students interested in internships are encouraged to review the following Employment Information for International Students.

To receive approval to complete an internship, international students must enroll in an internship course. Refer to the Unpaid Internships & Earning Academic Credit section above for information regarding ºÚÁÏÍø internship classes.

View a comprehensive list of internship search resources on the CDC Job & Internship Search page.

ºÚÁÏÍø Internship Programs

  • Long Beach Community Internship Program: creates pathways for ºÚÁÏÍø juniors and seniors who are Long Beach Promise students and graduates of Long Beach area high schools to engage in meaningful semester-long paid internship opportunities
  • College Corps @ the Beach: works with campus and community partners to place students in two-semester paid internships focusing on key issues related to climate action and environmental justice, food insecurity, and K-12 education with an emphasis on climate literacy

National Internship Programs

  • : offers paid internships with corporations or federal agencies for students from all majors
  • : provides internships with the U.S. Department of State to explore federal careers
  • : outlines internship and volunteer opportunities with the National Park Service
  • the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace offers approximately 15 one-year fellowships annually to uniquely qualified graduating seniors and individuals who have graduated during the past academic year
  • The BLAC internship program introduces emerging Black and BIPOC talent to advertising. It's a twelve-week paid internship for creative thinkers that takes place at ad agencies across the country.

Applying to internships is a multi-step process that includes researching internship opportunities in your field, creating a tailored resume, preparing for interviews and more. Check out the SUCCEED Job Search Model on the CDC Job & Internship Search page to learn about all of the necessary steps for an effective internship search.

ºÚÁÏÍø Career Readiness & Internship Week provides students the opportunity to gain skills and talk with employers about landing an internship. Internship Week will be held October 3 - 7, 2022, and will include webinars and employer events focused on exploring strategies for finding internships, gaining real-world experiences, examining hiring trends and learning directly from employers.

View instructions for how to RSVP for this and other career events on the CDC CareerLINK page.

If you took part in an internship in Fall 2023 or Spring/Summer 2024, you are invited to participate in the 2024 Career Development Center (CDC) Internship Essay Contest.

One lucky winner will be chosen from each of the seven colleges to receive a $1,000 scholarship, and one of the seven winners will then be chosen to win an additional award of $1,000. The winning essays will also be submitted to the California Internship and Work Experience Association (CIWEA) Bernard L. Hyink Scholarship for a chance to win an additional $1,000 scholarship.


Friday, October 18, 2024

Participant Eligibility

  • Must be a currently enrolled ºÚÁÏÍø student
  • Must have completed an internship, practicum, fieldwork, or student teaching assignment in Fall 2023 or Spring/Summer 2024 (at least 120 hours of work experience)
  • Must be enrolled during Spring 2025 semester to receive award
  • Previous winners and student interns of the CDC are not eligible

To Enter the Contest

  1. Sign in to []
  2. Select [CareerLINK]
  3. Click on your initials in the top right corner
  4. Select [Surveys]
  5. Open the 2024 Internship Essay Contest by clicking [Respond]
  6. Complete the form and in an essay of 750 words or less address the following:
    • Briefly describe the organization you interned for.
    • What projects and assignments did you complete?
    • What knowledge or skills from your coursework were helpful on the job?
    • What new skills and abilities have you developed since completing your internship?
    • How did you stand out as an intern?
    • What was your greatest accomplishment?
    • How did your internship experience influence your career path?
  7. Submit your completed entry form or save your draft if you want to come back to it later
  8. Submissions must be completed and received by 10:00 PM on Friday, October 18, 2024

Note: The scholarship funding is disbursed through financial aid and may be reflected differently based on a student’s financial aid package.

For Additional Information

Contact Jeanna Trammell, the Career Development Center Assistant Director of Internship Services, or .


2023 Internship Essay Contest Winner

Francesca Namala
ºÚÁÏÍø College of Liberal Arts
EAAA Peer Facilitator Intern
Not Alone at the Beach, ºÚÁÏÍø, Long Beach, CA


Excerpt of Winning Essay:
"Throughout my internship with NATB, I acquired unique leadership skills and communication abilities essential to leading sex education among college students. I learned how to balance my role as both a peer and a teacher; presenting myself as a relatable student while still upholding my position as an authority figure. Furthermore, I relayed the curriculums messages in a safe space that welcomed any comments, questions and concerns students may have. Creating this space required me to respectively shut down victim blaming attitudes by negating student’s inaccurate comments without threatening their social acceptance. Successfully facilitating the EAAA program was no easy task, but it left me with invaluable skills applicable to various forms of survivor advocacy across college campuses."

Manuel Perez

The Manuel Perez Internship Success Scholarship assists students in exploring a career via an unpaid internship in the non-profit or government fields.

Do you have an internship offer for Summer 2023? Is your internship unpaid and at a non-profit or government organization? If so, apply for the opportunity to receive a $1,000 scholarship.


Friday, June 7, 2024

Participant Eligibility

  • Must be currently enrolled at ºÚÁÏÍø
  • Must be in good academic standing (2.0 GPA or higher)
  • Graduation date must be December 2024 or later
  • Must have secured an unpaid internship in the non-profit or government fields prior to applying for the Manuel Perez Internship Success Scholarship
  • Internship must take place between May-August 2024

To Enter the Contest

  1. Sign in to []
  2. Click on [CareerLINK]
  3. Select [Resources]
  4. Click on [Big Interview]
  5. Register using your ºÚÁÏÍø email address
  6. In Big Interview, select the [Interviews] tab, select [Interview Assignments] and enter the following code: ad8a2f
  7. Follow the instructions to record your responses to the following questions:
    • Let’s learn more about you. Tell me about yourself. What is your current major and educational background?
    • Tell me about the organization where you will be completing your internship. What interested you about the organization and the internship opportunity?
    • Share three learning goals that you hope to accomplish by the end of your internship. Please include how you will obtain these goals. (Learning goals can include skills you hope to acquire/strengthen, gaining industry knowledge, or building relationships in your industry of choice.)
    • What are your goals after graduation? Describe how completing this internship will help complement your educational and career goals.

For Additional Information
